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CNN Audience Plunges 25%

Believe the Chart… Charts are true. Utterly. With a precision that can stun.
The task, then, is to learn and understand the factors and techniques that reveal the truth and to honor, serve and embrace the knowledge of self and the profound gift of life events.

-Martha Wescott

In a new TV ratings report published Wednesday by Nielsen Media Research, Fox News Channel continues to reign supreme in the cable news wars, while CNN’s primetime audience has collapsed by a shocking 25%. May 31

Time has a quality that is best understood through the myths and archetypes associated with the relevant planets and star positions at any given moment.  Therefore, to gain some insight into an individual’s (or any entity’s) destiny we need to go back to the moment in time that defines its origin.  The astrologer has a special advantage, and can revisit the progressions and so forth that accompanied the pivotal events, with the question, did it have to happen that way? 

Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable and satellite television news channel owned by the Turner Broadcasting System, a division of Time Warner. CNN was launched on June 1, 1980 at Atlanta, Georgia. A chart drawn for June 1, 1980 noon can serve as CNN’s horoscope for our analysis here.

A technique used in Uranian astrology requires one to examine hard aspects made by significators to planets and planetary mid-points. In CNN’s chart the Sun [11ge17] is square Mars [10vi22] and  the mid-point Hades-Neptune [10pi19] . From the keywords at her website [1], Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation in her book The Orders of Light:

Hades-Neptune: Deception/pretense/subterfuge masks the early stage of malicious intent or decline; a history of intentional misrepresentation.

Moreover, Mars is conjunct  the star delta (δ) Leo, Zosma in the hind of the Lion. About this star, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle. Southern Velorum, the sail of the Argo, is of evolutionary currents that are transcendent to the diversionary spectacle above. These stars create a diverse polarity of energy that set Leo’s “back stage.” This is a windy and fiery area of the zodiak, one that can stimulate dynamic creative expression, but one that can also be filled with diversionary commotion and grand spectacle. Thus discernment from a place in inner emotional and physical clarity is required to attune to the transcendent soul-level currents guiding our lives rather than defining our course based upon the dramatic winds swirling about.

With the foregoing, we have hopefully established the fact that the moment in time that CNN was born contained the potential for deception and lies. Next we look at what is happening in CNN’s progressed chart.  The most important progression is always that of the Sun. The table below gives the asteroids that CNN’s progressed Sun is beginning to touch.


CNN - Natal Chart
 1 Jun 1980, 12:00 pm, EDT +4:00
 Atlanta Georgia, 33°N44'56'', 084°W23'17''
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
 Placidus Houses,  True Node

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns1

P1 (H)          Asp                P2 (H)          EXL                Type             Date                                     Pos1                            Pos2            

Sun (11)     Opp               Kassan (5)  (X)                  Sa-Na            1 May 2018                     17°Cn29' D          17°Cp29' R
Sun (11)     Sqr                 Plu (3)         (X)                  Sa-Na            5 Feb 2020                     19°Cn10' D          1 9°Li10' R
Sun (11)     Sqr                 Diana (9)    (X)                  Sa-Na            4 Mar 2020                     19°Cn14' D           19°Ar14' D
Sun (11)     Sqr                 Lilith (3)     (X)                  Sa-Na            28 Dec 2020                  20°Cn01' D              20°Li01' R

*** END REPORT ***

KASSANDRA: Wasted breath!; questions about whether to believe what others say (whether to follow advice).
DIANA: elusive, hard-to-find or difficult-to-pin-down behaviors and reactions.
PLUTO:  Urge for dominance; control needs; psychological power.
LILITH: Triangulation; selection or rejection.

I think you'll  reject people (Lilith) when you find that it's hard to believe (Kassandra)  them especially  when they're being  evasive...when they seem to be hiding something (Diana)...when they don't seem  to want to present solid facts and you get the feeling that they have an agenda and are maybe trying to control you (Pluto).


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