The appearance of a massive rat in a Stockholm family's kitchen has made headlines in Sweden , where it is being dubbed "Ratzilla". Measuring 40cm (nearly 16in) plus tail, the creature terrified the family in Solna district. Pest controllers finally killed the intruder using an oversized trap. BBC, 27 March. The Capricorn Ingress of the Sun (Winter Solstice) and its subsequent progression is a very useful tool for marking out days when significant events can be expected to take place. Unfortunately we are so carried away with events that we fail to notice the deeper significance of the event. Shown here is the Capricorn Ingress at Stockholm . It is obviously very significant for the place with Uranus-Pluto in a Grand Cross aspecting the meridian axis. Uranus-Pluto refers to transformation and this includes the accelerated (Uranus) mutation (Pluto) within the genetic structure and coding with many forms of life within Nature, as all forms o...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore