Thousands of people are living in makeshift camps in Calais hoping that one day they will make it to the UK . Many once had good jobs - but fleeing from war and persecution most now have no money, and little dignity, in a town that is fed up with them. BBC; Jan.31 This news story is best understood if we start with the chart for the solar eclipse of Oct. 23, 2014 drawn for Calais , France . The eclipse [0sc25] was placed in the 4 th house square the horizon axis and conjunct the star Miaplacidus. Beta (β) Carina, Miaplacidus, is a star in the Keel of the great Ship Argo Navis [1]. By association a Ship refers to migration or migrants as Nick Fiorenza confirms more specifically for this star. Miaplacidus is the second most important star of the Argo, after Canopus . "Mia" is of greater universal flowing waters of Source and "Placidus" is of grid-navigational-mapping. Miaplacidus involves ...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore