The White House has responded to a
petition asking that Texas
be allowed to break away from the country, saying the Founding Fathers who
created the nation "did not provide a right to walk away from it."
Jon Carson, director of the White
House Office of Public Engagement, issued the response quoting Abraham
Lincoln's first inaugural address and a Supreme Court opinion after the Civil
War. It said America
was created as a "perpetual union," but one
that allows people with different beliefs to debate the issues.
To see this
news in the light of astrology, we will look at the solar eclipse of May 21,2012 which by the rules of mundane astrology (indicated below) was very
significant for the US .
H.S. Green
in his book Mundane or National Astrology writing about eclipses says:
strongest effect is felt in those parts in which it is visible, especially if
it is also angular, i.e., rising, culminating or setting; and it is experienced
next in countries ruled by the sign containing the luminary.
The Annular
Eclipse of 21st May in Pleaides was a
spectacular event seen at sunrise in Japan and at sunset throughout most
of the American continent. In addition, Raphael lists USA among the
countries ruled by the sign Gemini in which the eclipse took place.
Shown here
is chart of the eclipse progressed to Jan 15, 2013, the date of the news item.
Notice Uranus-Pluto aspecting the meridian axis.
Uranus-Pluto: To see attempts to “force”
change or rupture; the threat of a separation or demand for independence (Uranus)
can bring reactions based on an attempt to regain control (Pluto).[1]
[7ar28] is conjunct the stars 34 Piscium [6ar56], above the cord of the West Fish
and Omicron Andromedae [7ar57], near the chained hand of the Princess. The
chain and the fish cord generate a feeling of bondage.[2] And of course what
would Uranus there want more than breaking that chain or cord!
Also notice
that the Ascendant [18cn32] is conjunct the star Wasat [18cn42].
of Gemini is a star called the ‘link’ between the twins Castor and Pollux (see image
Twins" are marked by the two principal stars: Pollux, the immortal
extraterrestrial one, and Castor the mortal terrestrial one, the
extraterrestrial incarnate. These two stars, which mark the Twins' heads, lie
in the last few degrees of sidereal Gemini. The Twins are of partnerships in
mutual cooperation participating in the human world, one of linking and uniting
through our daily affairs in the world. Public Relations and liaison
articulates the nature of the Twins--linking individuals together in larger
groups or organizations that can serve a purpose far greater than the separate parties
can accomplish alone. Although the Twins (Castor and Pollux) are of
communication and human betterment, they have in some legend been at
odds with each other, a bit argumentative. Here is the Gemini trait
of competitiveness, debate, arbitration, and negotiation, but ultimately
leading to agreement and solution".[3]
summarizes what is happening with Texas , one of the Twins – perhaps Pollux, the bad one- wanting to break away. It is my attempt here to show readers through
various posts on current news items that the myths and legends that surround each star and constellation are as vividly alive today as they were when the ancients formulated
[1] The
Orders of Light, Martha-Lang Wescott [p.81]
[2] Secrets
of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [p.63, vol1]
[3] Lunar
Planner, Nick Fiorenza
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