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Stray dogs turn hunters

Fear of the inexplicable has  impoverished
the existence of the individual….How should we be able to forget those
ancient myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into
princesses; perhaps all the dragons inside us  are princesses
who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps
everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless
that wants help from us.

Rainer Maria Rilke

KANPUR: Stray dogs devoured 31 black bucks, including five males and 26 females, in the enclosure at Kanpur Zoo on Saturday night. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav suspended zoo director K Praveer Rao and five others. The shocking incident brings to fore the abysmal security at the zoo, particularly for endangered species like the blackbucks inside Kanpur zoo.

Shown above is the Capricorn Ingress chart at Kanpur progressed to Jan 20. Notice that the ingress Sun [0cp00], Pluto [8cp57];  asteroid Diana [6cp41] and Uranus [4ar38] form hard aspects to the progressed MC [8ar14]. The Ascendant [18cn19] is conjunct Gamma (γ) Canis Major, Muliphein, is a star situated in the neck of the Greater Dog. While the radix Moon [14cn15] in the Ingress chart was exactly square the Sirius [14cn16]. Alpha (α) Canis Major, Sirius, is a brilliant white and yellow star in the Greater dog. It is the brightest star in the night sky.

PLUTO-URANUS: Pluto stands  for instinctive-animal energies. Uranus is the great 'freer' …it unlocks all that is lying repressed.

DIANA: Connected  to animals and nature; hunter-prey dynamics

At this stage, I refer  to an earlier post on the November Eclipse:

When drawn for Kanpur the MC of the eclipse chart is 14cn31 conjunct Sirius (dogs)! In ancient India Sirius was called the "deerslayer".  And for Jan 20, the progressed MC [9li] forms hard aspects to Pluto-Uranus square.

This eclipse carried the Sabian symbol:

KEYNOTE: The socially accepted release of an individual’s or a group’s aggressive instincts. What this symbol clearly stresses is need for rituals that provide outlet  for man’s primitive instincts and aggressiveness.

Did this combination unlock the dormant hunter in the stray dogs on that fateful night? And what message might this be carrying for us humans? Can we repress our animal energies  safely beyond a point?  Might this not be another call to overcome our fears and let  those dark energies see the light of the day?
