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The Geneva treaty on mercury pollution

More than 140 countries have agreed on a set of legally binding measures to curb mercury pollution, at UN talks.Delegates in Geneva approved measures to control the use of the highly toxic metal in order to reduce the amount of mercury released into the environment. Mercury can produce a range of adverse human health effects, including permanent damage to the nervous system. The UN recently published data that showed mercury emissions were rising in a number of developing nations. The deal was agreed after all-night talks. UN Environment Programme (Unep) spokesman Nick Nuttall told Reuters: "A treaty to start to begin to rid the world of a notorious health-hazardous metal was agreed in the morning of Jan 19."

As with several examples presented in past blogs we attempt to show here how an eclipse can carry a message that the world wakes up to long after  it is gone. The eclipse we  analyse here is the total eclipse [21sc57] of Nov 13, 2012 which was conjunct the star Unukalhai [22sc15] in the neck of the ‘poisonous’ serpent [1,2].  The map for the eclipse at Geneva is shown above. This map speaks to us about ‘poisons’ in at least two other ways. The MC [3ta48]  of the chart is conjunct Tyl, [2ta54]. Epsilon (ε) Draco, Tyl, is a star on the Dragon. According to Ptolemy, it gives  danger of accidental poisoning [1]. The eclipse forms hard aspects to each end of the Kronos-Hades-Uranus-Pluto T-square.  Amongst other things, this T-square stands for a change [Uranus-Pluto]  in the rules/ laws  [Kronos]  governing the use of poisonous or toxic [Hades] [3] substances. Regular readers will recall that eclipse charts give their effect on days when the progressed angles conjoin important planets. Shown below is the eclipse chart progressed to Jan 19, the date of the treaty on the use of mercury. The progressed angles conjoin the T-square with the MC [6cn] in particular conjunct Hades-Kronos. This area formed a part of an ancient Chinese asterism Tsing, ‘The Well’:  When this asterism was significant it was time to clean the existing wells, dig new wells if necessary.  Rotting leaves and mud had to be removed and every care taken that the water be clean and fresh (the Chinese knew that unclean wells could bring diseases).[4] So it appears once again that  eclipses and other cosmic phenomena continue to  replay, with variations,  ancient stories in modern times.

 In the previous post on Lance Armstrong we had shown that the eclipse conjunct Bacchus/Pluto could be interpreted as: having been in denial about the use of a harmful substance one is now ready to stop its use…return to integrity and do whatever is required to face consequences. With a little stretch we can see that this is exactly what the world community has done in regard to the use of mercury. It was long known that mercury was harmful for the environment but we had remained in a state of denial. The Pluto eclipse has forced us to stop the rampant abuse of the toxic metal.

[1] Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Robson*, p.213.
[2] Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.67
[3] Eating or drinking food/water from a poisoned, toxic source.
[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [p.702, V1]


How addictive is sugar?

The Nov 13, 2012 eclipse progressed to Jan 20, 2013, the date of the news item once again brings the progressed angles to the conjunction of the T-square mentioned above. The message is the same…get out  the denial phase of any kind of addiction or substance abuse. No coincidence here.  
