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Stars of the decline of the Spanish monarchy

Spain's 74-year-old king came under scathing criticism Sunday for going on an expensive elephant hunting trip in Botswana amid the nation's deep financial woes.
Making matters worse, an accident on the trip sent King Juan Carlos into surgery. The accident happened Friday (Apr 13,2012) while the king was on safari in Botswana's northern Okavango region and he was immediately flown home by private jet. Doctors said Sunday that he was recovering well after a hip replacement but would not be able to resume full duties for more than a month.

The horoscope which is generally used for modern Spain is based on the inauguration of King Juan Carlos on 22 November 1975: Spain astrology chart data: 22 November 1975, 12.45 pm CET, Madrid (40n24, 3w41). [1]

We will  discuss three important directions in the radix chart (a) Sun progressed (7cp14) is opposite  Vulcanus (7cn39) and  sesquisquare to South Node (21ta46) and Hades (24ta09) (b) the  solar eclipses  of 2012 (c) Pluto transit in 2013 square its own place and opposite the radix Moon.

To be forced into capitulation or humbling/ humiliating circumstances; to see poverty, depression, hopelessness and negativity build hidden pressure; to experience shame for submitting to pressure or coercion.[2]

The eclipse of Nov 13, 2012 was at 21sc57 on the Nodal axis of the radix chart which incidentally is currently transiting over its radix position.

The South Node lies in late sidereal Aries. The North Node lies in late sidereal Libra. South Node stars include Botein of Aries; Rana and Zaurak of Eridanus; and Delta Caelum.

Botein, although meaning the belly (of the Ram) actually marks the hind foot. Botein can indicate those either lost and stranded, or simply left behind (the lost or following sheep), and thus can create a sense of frustration. Rana of Eridanus, conjoining Botein, marks a stopping point along the river of life and articulates the theme of those lost or tired through their initiations stopping either in need of aid or for regeneration in preparation for what is yet to come. Nearby Zaurak of Eridanus, just prior to the Taurian cusp, in late sidereal Aries, is a point of pause along the initiatory river of life where we must hold and trust our own inner light because the path immediately ahead is not entirely visible.

The stars of Caelum, the sculptor’s chisel suggest that the sculpting of our lives is a creative process, chiseled away  a bit at a time--as a sculptor chisels away the rock or marble to reveal the beauty waiting to emerge. Epsilon of Eridanus, conjoining Delta Caelum, reveals a need to create an opening or doorway; to make simple that which may seem difficult. Their conjunction with nearby Ruchbah reveals the need to first relinquish any attitudes that we deserve something (generally a status in life) that is rightfully ours, in order for it to manifest--generally occurring with ease after such surrender.[3]

The North Node stars Unukalhai (Alpha Serpens), along with Beta Serpens,  on the MC  of Spain’s horoscope form the neck and head of the serpent. These stars are  impelling the Spanish people to demonstrate  true self-mastery by reaching beyond past patterns and entrapments to create the destiny they seek. 

The Sun of the national chart is placed in the 10th house at 29sc33. The solar eclipse of November 25, 2011 at 2sg37 fell on the radix Sun in the 1st house of the eclipse chart squaring the meridian axis. 

The effect of eclipse in the tenth house (of the national chart) : Unfortunate for the Monarch and Government; unpopularity, discontent, discredit, dissensions or death. The trade and credit of the country suffer and the forces of law and authority are weakened in some way. [Mundane Astrology; H.S.Green p.103]

The effect of eclipse in the first house (of the eclipse chart): Changes follow, probably of the nature of the sign in which the eclipse falls; national problems of this kind give rise to anxiety; the Monarch or Government will suffer; unfortunate for national health and success. [Mundane Astrology; H.S.Green p.102]

The sign Sagittarius is associated with foreign travel and problems with the hip [4]. The King was on a hunting expedition in Botswana when the accident occurred in which he broke his hip. 

Progressing the eclipse chart to April 13, 2012, the date of the accident, we find Jupiter (1ta54) on the Ascendant (4ta) quincunx the eclipse Sun (2sg37). The Ascendant is conjunct Alphirk Beta (β) Cepheus (5ta43) the right hip of King Cepheus [5]

Finally, the meaning of a Pluto transit to the radix Moon in the sixth house.

The things, people and places that  have been a safe haven are also shifting-- radical events can knock all  those sofas out from under one, leaving them feeling "alone" in the most  profound sense of the word.  Some of this is necessary; it's part of a  process of transformation, and of learning to honor the Divine and the  Oneness of the universe.  Thus there will be some learning about Will,  Fate, Providence, and the Divine Plan.  Not that the "plan" is what one  thinks it is at a given time.[5]

Moon in the sixth house: If afflicted by malefics, there will be strikes, discontent, unemployment, hardship amongst workers. [H.S. Green p.26]
[2] The Orders of Light, Martha Lang-Wescott; p.108
[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K Rosenberg; V1, p.138
[5] Delineate V2, Martha Lang-Wescott
