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Horace the Hare teaches unconditional love

It is the usual fate of the Irish hare, a wild strain betwixt the Scottish and European varieties, to sleep by day in the hedgerows and by night to scurry through plowed fields in search of leafy delicacies. To live long he must be a wary hare, on guard always against man, his guns and dogs.

This might have been the life of Horace, the loveable hare, had he not fallen three years ago into the hands of Cecil S. Webb, director of the Dublin Zoo. Webb and his wife took Horace into their home to study the ways of small wild animals. They kept him on … because they had acquired a wonderful pet, as intelligent, playful and domesticated as any dog.[3]

The Full Moon eclipse of 4 Jun 2012  took place with the Sun [14ge14] conjunct Venus[16ge44].  It is significant for New York  since it forms a Grand Cross with meridian axis.

Nick Fiorenza [1] explains,  that Venus (and the heart chakra), when mature and clear, expresses love in art and beauty, with a wonderful capacity for unconditional acceptance of all conditions--true, non-judgmental love. The unconditionally open heart receives and expresses love that is harmoniously balanced.

He goes on to explain that this eclipse is  about surrender to the Divine Feminine Essence in life—by embracing  unconditional compassion and to care for all life. It is asking us to  open our Heart wider than we  ever have before.

Venus is in retrograde motion   – a phenomena that astrologers associate with recalling  incidents from the past[2]. It is conjunct mu Leporis [15ge34], the Hare so that these images from the past  are about a  Hare! Progressing the eclipse chart  by the PSSR method to March 22, 2013 ( date of  publication by TIME in NY) brings the  progressed meridian back to the same position triggering the eclipse.
