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Multicongruence: Gay marriage and Bagram prisoner release

Charles Harvey was probably one of the most fervent and enthusiastic of mundane astrologers, and his book, Mundane Astrology, co-authored with Michael Baigent and Nick Campion, remains the standard text for students. Harvey wrote these prophetic words in Mundane Astrology:

we are going to need to develop ways of considering the future interweaving of whole hierarchies of cycles and charts rather than treating them in isolation as we do at present. How this is done effectively is one of the great challenges of the next few years.
Another astrologer who has made it his job to 'develop ways of considering the future interweaving of whole hierarchies of cycles' is Dennis Elwell, whose classic and remarkable book Cosmic Loom (1986, now in a second revised edition recently reprinted by the UT), contains a disturbing set of observations about how the cosmos behaves, reflected via astrological patterns.

These patterns are neither cosy in their effects, nor are they individual-friendly. Elwell has termed their effects multicongruence and his definition is: the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level. [1]

Elwell points out that we are conditioned not to attach too much significance to coincidences that occur. However, anybody who follows the news carefully will not fail to notice that sometimes there is a run of “similar” events. For example yesterday there were two new items apparently unconnected, one about a possible ruling by the US Supreme Court in favour of same sex marriages [2]  that could lead to freedom for  social ostracism for the gay community and another about the US handing over the Bagram prison  to the Afghan authorities [3] which of course also implied that several inmates that Afghans think are unjustly held would be freed.

To understand these two “similar” news events, I have shown here the charts for the Full Moon of March 27 at Kabul and Washington. Notice that in both cases two interlocking Yods aspect the meridian axis implying that whatever they stand for is relevant for both the places. A Yod aspect in astrology is looked upon as  unavoidable pressure to change the way we have been behaving or doing things.

Mars-Saturn-Jupiter Yod
Since Saturn is about  rules and restrictions, its aspects to Mars or Jupiter invariably curtails freedom. With Mars  linked to personal freedom and Jupiter to success  it is not surprising  that this combination has been associated with freedom from imprisonment. These three planets are connected in a yod with Mars and Jupiter forming a quincunx to Saturn. A keyphrase for a quincunx aspect is ‘requiring adjustments’ so that we can see how freedom is a possible  outcome in each of the two cases.

Finally,Saturn at 21scorpio is part of an ancient Chinese asterism T’ien-Lao, the Celestial Prison and T’ien-Wei, the Celestial Jail. Saturn in the yod is conjunct Alphecca (alpha Corona Borealis)  which was the jailer.  When all the stars of the asterism were clearly seen the prisons of the empire would be full. If the  star Alphecca was faint many prisoners would be released. [4]

[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg [v.1, p.727]
