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Stars and the US Supreme Court Gay Marriage ruling

Why the Supreme Court Is Likely To Rule For Gay Marriage
On March 26, the court will review a California ban on gay marriage, which voters narrowly approved in 2008. That case could give the court a chance to accept or reject a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Shown above is the Winter Ingress chart for December 21,2012. Notice that a T-square involving Sun-Juno-Pluto-Uranus-Kronos-Hades forms a Grand Cross with the MC. This implies that it is will have a significant effect in  Washington DC and by implication in the US.

JUNO: Partners; marriage/relationship
KRONOS: laws, authorities
HADES: disgust; feeling demeaned

Collapse of an old order (Pluto-Uranus) ; changes in the laws (Kronos) that govern marriage (Juno). Feeling demeaned by or  disgusted (Hades) with laws (Kronos).

The progression of the Winter Ingress chart to March 26 brings the T-square to the angles once again thereby  triggering its effect.

Regular readers will by now be familiar with the fact that although the Winter Ingress chart is the main chart to consider, important events are also usually accompanied by some transit or lunation (New Moon or Full Moon)  whose theme reinforces the ingress chart theme. Shown below is the Full Moon for March 27.

The Full Moon [6li52] is conjunct the star Zaniah [5li00] which was for the Chinese  Tso-Tchi-Fa, The Judge on the Left or The Left Hand Maintainer of the Law.[1] The obvious reference is to a  judge or judgement that favours a liberal approach to what the orthodoxy would consider evil. The Full Moon is again part of a T-square involving Pluto-Uranus (collapse of an old order) and Venus (in issues of relationships or marriage).

But we are not done as yet. Two other stars in the Full Moon map hammer the message home. The star on the Ascendant [27aq21]  is Gienah [27aq56].

Cygnus X-3 enters the ecliptic, along with Gienah, the binary star epsilon Cygnus, the right outstretch wing tip of the Swan. Cygnus X-3 invites us to participate beyond our segregated ways based on gender, race, creed, or culture and open ourselves to new experience only available when we are willing to embrace the uniqueness of all life. Here we must shed the mortal facades we wear and participate from our true essence and to see the same in others. Mutually exclusive attractions create factions amongst our true soul-level friends and families. Here lies the embracing aspect of the Aquarian Waterman, to participate in the inclusiveness of universal (Uranian) love.[2]

The other star is Alphecca. This is conjunct Saturn which forms one of the legs of the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto yod aspecting the MC of the chart and bringing about a fork in the road for the authorities (MC or midheaven rules authorities) so that choices in the matters described must now be made.

Saturn (11sc25) is conjunct Alphecca of Corona Borealis

Alphecca is noted for conveying honor, dignity and artistic ability. But like all Venusian stars it can also have its undesirable effects. Medieval astrologers, who tended to emphasize the more perverse side of astrology, asserted that Alphecca rising indicates a life spent in a variety of pleasurable pursuits by an individual who decked his body with adornments, secretly engaged in love affairs or adultery and who "bedded boys and girls" according to Firmicus Maternus. If the star is setting, disgrace will come of all this. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p10.]

Finally, since Full Moons are considered the fulfilment phase of the promise  contained in the New Moon it may be interesting to note the Sabian symbol for the New Moon:

A fairly obvious connection  to the issue at hand  - the need for new laws governing same sex marriages. 
