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Fornax and the Texas explosion

Between five and 15 people are thought to have been killed by a huge explosion at a US fertiliser plant that witnesses said was "like a tornado". More than 160 people were injured as dozens of homes and buildings were destroyed in the evening blast near Waco in the state of Texas.

The chart of the First Quarter Moon phase  [18 April, 7:31 CDT] at West,Texas  is shown below. The Sun-Mars conjunction at 28ar30 is conjunct the faint stars of the constellation Fornax [1]. First named the Chemical Furnace, this constellation was formed by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, 1752, in honor of the accomplishments of the famous chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier.  Lacaille created Fornax out of several faint stars in the constellation Eridanus. The image from the 1750’s is easily related to a modern chemical plant such as the one in which the explosion took place.

The First Quarter Moon is at 28cn38 – in an area that Diana Rosenberg connects with fires and explosions! It is very significant for West, Texas since it is   placed  on the meridian axis.  And finally the square to the  Sun-Mars conjunction in Fornax tells us why the explosion took place in a chemical  plant.

If we are curious as to why it was a fertilizer plant - that little detail  too can be traced in the chart. Tropical Taurus connected with agriculture, land and its fertility is on the Ascendant  while Saturn is just setting  with the stars of  Virginis – the figure of the Virgin with a sheaf of corn! So we have a Furnace which produces chemicals that increase the fertility of land for crops. Is it at all difficult to piece the image of a fertilizer plant?

The blast - which sent a fireball shooting into the air - happened shortly before 8pm local time. The chart for that moment has  the Sun-Mars conjunction with stars of Fornax exactly on the descendant confirming our analysis.

The Sun-Mars conjunction discussed above cannot  be fully understood without linking it to a longer term Earth-Mars synodic cycle. Nick Fiorenza is amongst very few astrologers who follow long term cycles to understand the meaning of current events.  The extract below from his article [2] provides a “root cause” explanation for the explosion.

The Sun conjoined Mars in early sidereal Aries on April 17, which marks the mid-point of vision and realization in the current Earth-Mars synodic cycle, which began on March 3, 2012 in sidereal Leo—a key and significant cycle. This was presented in the article “2012 Mars Retrograde & The New 780-day Mars Synodic Cycle.” This day brings us revelation about the meaning and purpose of this cycle. It also provides stimulus to action as we move into the First Quarter Moon.

The new synodic cycle started on March 3, 2012 . The theme of this new cycle was defined by the stellar energetics of Mizar of the Great Bear, Chort of Leo, and other influencing stars.

Mizar of the Great Bear, Zeta Ursa Major, is the overseeing and predominant star of this area of the zodiak. Mizar articulates raw fiery energy that must express one way or another. Mizar must have a creative outlet, but for its proper expression, we must apply it with creative vision. Mizar brings attention to use of our creative energies; creative and destructive tendencies, and the fear to create lest it may result in destruction. Here we learn the nature of such volatile forces. Mizar, with averted alignments is also known for catastrophic fires or massacres. Mizar can however express quite artistically--just as gunpowder can express as beautiful fireworks or devastating explosion.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.119-20)
