Shown above
is the map for the Lunar Eclipse of April 25, at Los Angeles , CA. Notice the eclipse along
with the Mars-Saturn opposition straddles
the meridian axis making it one place where its message would be clearly seen
and heard. While Mars-Saturn opposition on its own is connected with ‘fire accidents’ [1] we will see in this
post how the stars “conspired” to create the massive fire. I like to think of the
stars as far away electric power stations
beaming their energy to earth. The planets act more like local electric substations
that step down the high voltage and zap us with the energy .
The MC [7ta22]
of the eclipse chart along with Mars
[4ta00] , the Sun [5ta46] is conjunct Al Sharratain [4ta08] which was said to
produce ‘whirlwinds’ and Alphirk, beta Cepheus [5ta43]. Cepheus was
called “inflammatus”. There are devastating fires recorded here –
among them the Great Fire of Rome, 64 CE, the Charleston SC fire of 1838 that
destroyed more than half the city, the 1865 boiler explosion – fire that
wrecked the Sultana, an old over loaded Mississippi River paddle-wheeler
carrying Union soldiers, the October 1993 fires fanned by Santa Ana winds that
devastated Southern California, the 1999 Mont Blanc tunnel disaster when a fire trapped 32 vehicles, the huge 1842
Hamburg, Germany fire, the Lake View School fire in Collingwood,Ohio, 1908 when
172 children and 2 teachers died; the infamous Ring Theatre fire in Vienna,
1881 where 850 people died; the L’Innovation Department store fire in Brussels,
1967 that killed 322, the Halloween disco fire in Goteborg, Sweden in 1998 and
many others [2].
So why did
this happen on May 2. The answer lies in
the Last Quarter Moon chart for LA. The
Quarter Moon aligns once again with Mars-Saturn but more significantly notice
that the star psi Phoenicis in Phoenix ,
[1the Firebird is on the Ascendant [1ar16]. On the descendant is Yi, in the
Wing of China’s great Red Bird that governed the element of fire; which the colour red symbolizes but the bird symbolises high winds too! These
stars were represented at a 50 BCE Solar
Eclipse (path through Egypt) before invading Romans set the Egyptian fleet
afire, at the 1871 Chicago Il and Peshtigo, WI fires on the same night that
killed 1432; at the start of Vienna’s Ring Theatre of Fire of 1881 (850 killed,
hundreds injured); in 1943 when a hurricane force firestorm ravaged Hamburg
after incendiaries were dropped by US aircraft and several others [3]
[2] Secrets
of the Ancient Skies, Diana K.Rosenberg (v.1; p.155)
[3] Secrets
of the Ancient Skies, Diana K.Rosenberg (v.2; p.30)
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