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Snowden and Corvus the lying raven

Apollo and the Raven

Right on time, the era-defining square between Uranus and Pluto again discharges its tension into the collective consciousness. The story: A series of intelligence leaks revealed the US government has been collecting phone records and monitoring online activities of millions of presumably innocent citizens, a revelation that flies in the face of many Americans' land-of-the-free perceptions of their own country.
And who are the real 'criminals' in this case? It sure appears as if the NSA (National Security Agency) has flagrantly violated the terms of the US Constitution, specifically the Fourth Amendment, which ensures the right of the people to be secure against 'unreasonable searches and seizures'. And yet, in the post-9/11 granting of additional intelligence rights (via the Patriot Act, etc.) to the federal government to protect the citizenry against terrorism, the renegade acts of whistleblower Edward Snowden—heroic by some accounts, treasonous by others—could be said to jeopardize these anti-terrorism efforts.
The archetypal clash: courageous/warrior-like actions of individuals on behalf of the people's liberties (Uranus in Aries) vs. an intensification/consolidation of power by institutional structures facing threats to their authority (Pluto in Capricorn). Did Uranus-figure Snowden behave so recklessly and/or self-importantly, with such little regard for the collective welfare, as to threaten national security? Did the Plutonian NSA take its authority to an extreme, demonstrating that too much power indeed corrupts, and needed Snowden's patriotic move to rein it in? This debate will continue, to be sure.[1]


With Edward Snowden’s birth certificate [2]  available it is possible to confirm that that the Uranus-Pluto square described above actually affected Snowden’s decision.  His current lunar return chart has the Uranus-Pluto square  aspecting  the angles quite sharply. For readers who use TNPs Kronos-Hades on the MC is disgust (Hades) with authority (Kronos).

The Ascendant specially in a return chart describes the environment in which one finds oneself.  Here we find the star Gienah  of Corvus the Crow on the Ascendant.
The legend of Corvus is as follows:

Apollo gave a feast to Jupiter and requiring water sent the raven with a cup (Crater) to fetch some. On his way the raven noticed a fig tree, and, resting there until the figs became ripe, feasted himself upon them until, remembering his errand and fearing the anger of Apollo, he picked up a snake (Hydra) and on his return gave as an excuse that it had prevented him from filling the cup. Apollo ordained in punishment that the raven should never drink so long as figs were not ripe, and placed the raven (Corvus), cup (Crater) and snake (Hydra) in the heavens as a memorial. [Robson*, p.40.]

The Greeks most often associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi), "to destroy". Plato in Cratylus connects the name with ἀπόλυσις (apolysis), "redeem", with ἀπόλουσις (apolousis), "purification". In some other accounts,  Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, was the god of pure light,  the enemy of darkness, ignorance, badness [3].  

Extending this idea, the sun god Apollo stands for an energy that destroys darkness or lies as we see being played out in Snowden’s revelations!

Carrying the analysis further, Snowden’s current solar return progressed to June 9, the day of the leak, has the progressed  solar quotidian Ascendant [0ge10]  conjunct Jupiter [2ge] square Neptune [3pi]. The Ascendant and Jupiter are conjunct the stars of the Chinese constellation, T’ien-Tsan, the Celestial Slanderer. About this constellation Diana Rosenberg writesduring this time there would be much slander, gossip and accusations of treachery”. [4]

[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.1; p.699-700]


Snowden has his  Sun trine a Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Writing about the meaning of Saturn-Pluto cycles and especially about this one Nick Fiorenza says:

A Saturn-Pluto synodic cycle, in general, will be about societal structures of consciousness and how we learn about responsible use of power. It will be about our administrative systems governing the use of power. These cycles can also initiate a dismantling or destructive process of long-standing established administrative constructs and systems of belief so that we can evolve our societal structures. In the process, this can articulate as power struggles, wars and the like; but Saturn and Pluto will ultimately demand we take responsibility for the discord and destruction we have created.

This Saturn-Pluto cycle demands we address the issue of imbalance and disharmony between the masculine and feminine principles and between our selves and our environment--humankind's relation with Earth. It is about the use of power and the systems of power in regard to how they may or may not serve to create a nurturing environment that supports a new birth in consciousness and the continuing evolution of consciousness.
