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Eclipse in Apis - the Bee - ‘stings’ Texas woman

Musca as drawn by Johann Bode, Uranographia, 1801. The constellation was originally called Apis, the Bee

A North Texas woman is recovering following an attack from a swarm of bees that killed her two horses. The attack happened Wednesday evening behind a Pantego home in the 2500 block of Miller Lane, directly across the street from the police department.

We start by looking at a very appropriate eclipse  that fell in Musca - Apis (the honey bee) and on the star  Unukalhai (the Serpent – poison) [1]. The chart for the solar eclipse [21s57] progressed to 24 Jul 2013, the date of the attack is shown above. On the MC of the chart [0sa10] are Mercury [29sc40] and the Moon [2sa25]. Here are the stars Yed Prior, delta Ophiuchi [2sa28], the left hand of Ophiuchus holding the serpent, also called the “Hand of Death”. This was part of an ancient Chinese asterism T’ien-Kiou , the Celestial Stable. Amongst the various manifestations listed for this area, Diana Rosenberg includes “animal encounters or attacks, including venomous insect stings” [2].

We could ask ourselves whether it is a coincidence that the star lore associated with the eclipse chart features bees, insect stings, horses and death.

The deeper symbolic  message of this eclipse can be summarized as follows:

This eclipse  awakens  primal or animal energies  that provide the sting or   transmutational force that push us  to learn the “art of  living,” - living in balance with Nature.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.2, p.273]
