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Ceres and farmer oriented market policy changes in Bengal

Ceres – the goddess of grain

Clearing the decks to open up state's back-end retail sector to private players, West Bengal government has decided to come up with a scheme allowing companies to procure farm produce directly from farmers. West Bengal state cabinet yesterday [9 Sep 2013] has approved the scheme called -- Brihat Krishak Bazar Yojana, which would allow private developers to set up terminal markets under the Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Act.

Here we will attempt to see whether this policy change can be been seen in the stars. Shown above is the Capricorn Ingress chart  which we  have mentioned before is treated as an annual chart by many astrologers. The  Ascendant [27ge] of the chart at Calcutta is conjunct the star Betelgeuze [29ge] ,alpha Orion which along with Rigel, beta Orion [17ge] was in China the asterism T’ien-Chi, the mid-autumn Celestial Market Place, a harvest market and bartering place. [1]

Progressing this chart to 9 September, when the scheme Brihat Krishak Bazar Yojana which loosely translated is the Great Farmer’s Market  Scheme was approved by the cabinet brings Jupiter in the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto Yod to the IC triggering its potential.

As the apex planet of this Yod, Jupiter impels wide-sweeping visionary action that establishes a socially sustainable and protective infrastructure for all people and all life. It impels the practical and well-grounded application of wealth and resources in an enterprising capacity to support the fundamental well-being of all life. Jupiter, on the Aldebaran-Antares axis, also impels expansive and mobilizing leadership in business and politics…Venus-Antares also impels the application of resources in a way that challenges the existing political-business arena and that supports mobilizing Jupiter's expansive new vision. [2]
In addition, the Sun, Earth and Ceres align on December 18, initiating the new  Earth-Ceres synodic cycle just into early sidereal Gemini, close to the Ascendant.  Amongst other things Ceres [3] is associated  with food, land and agriculture so that the Yod in Solstice chart is bringing policies that create a turning point in these areas.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.699)
