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Pluto station direct changes US stance on Syria

MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Sunday accused the United States of blackmailing Russia over a tough UN resolution against Syria, and said the West is blinded by the idea of regime change in the war-torn country.
"Our American partners are beginning to blackmail us: if Russia won't support a resolution under Chapter VII in the UN Security Council, then we will stop the work in the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons," Lavrov said in a Channel One interview, according to Russian agencies. He said the OPCW is "about to make a decision" on Syria but the process is threatened by the "arrogant position of some Western partners".

To understand the change in the US stance on Syria we look at the current solar return for the US Sibly. Notice the powerful T-square with Sun-Jupiter on the IC and Uranus-Pluto on the Ascendant and Midheaven respectively.  Martha Wescott describes Uranus-Pluto dynamics as follows:

To see attempts to force change or rupture; change or unexpected reactions based on resentments, compulsion, ultimatums or threats to control; power struggles within groups; individuals can distance themselves from others as a form of control (of events/others) or out of fear of being powerless of and giving others “an edge” over them. [1]

Next we examine the stars that are conjunct the Ascendant [8ar] and Uranus [12ar].

King Cepheus

Here we have the stars  of Andromeda, the sea monster Cetus  and King Cepheus. The chained woman Andromeda represents the helpless masses about to be devoured by  Cetus, the Sea Monster which represents primal forces that erupt from the collective unconscious while the King represents  strong minded people in authority  who use strong arm tactics to bully others “for their own good”  and dominate them in the chaos that the sea monster brings. With their considerable leadership ability they are often in positions of influence and authority, but they brook no opposition and refuse to listen to suggestions or criticism; thus there is a possibility of a loss of power and position because of obstinacy and rigidity; some may be cut off, shut out or exiled. They must choose between intelligent, patient receptivity and a tendency to be arrogant, intolerant and bullying. [2]

Andromeda and the sea monster Cetus

Two things are happening to trigger the T-square.

(a)   Pluto has just stationed direct triggering the complex

(b)   The progressed solar  MC of  the Sibly solar return  for Sunday, 22 September, conjoins Uranus implying that this is one period when the issues mentioned above are brought to the fore as mentioned in the Russian foreign minister, Lavrov’s statement to the press.

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott (p.81)
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p. 68-80)
