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Belgian Plane Crashes at Mercury Station Retrograde

Mercury winging his way thru  clouds

(BRUSSELS) — A plane carrying parachutists for a skydiving trip crashed in southern Belgium on Saturday, killing all 11 people aboard, officials said.
Minutes after the aircraft took off from a small airfield near the city of Namur, witnesses saw part of a wing break off, sending the plane into a spiraling nosedive and crash in a field close to Fernelmont town, said its mayor, Jean-Claude Nihoul.

When the planet Mercury goes retrograde, it changes direction in our sky. All planets do this and Mercury does it three or four times a year for three weeks at a time. The current mercury retrograde period runs from Oct 21 through Nov 11 with problems extending a few days before and after.

“The basic nature of all the planets can be determined by the Greek gods and goddesses after whom they are named. Mercury is messenger of the gods, entertaining, cunning, mischievous, resourceful. God of commerce and the market, he appears more frequently in mythology than any other god. His winged sandals and hat indicate that his movements are quicker than thought. Hence, Mercury rules communication, travel and the thinking process. During the retrograde period Mercury mischievously walks backwards and all matters related to communication and travel can experience frustrating delays and problems. Mechanical breakdowns of all sorts take place unexpectedly and frequently. This will especially affect motorized vehicles like automobiles and electronic or communication devices, including telephones and computers”.  [1]

“Some examples of history's three worst travel accidents  — jumbo jet crash (345 dead in 1974), worst single plane disaster (520 dead in 1985), China's worst air disaster (1992) and the Titanic sinking   all occurred during Mercury retrograde”. [1]

10:28:46 UT - Mercury stations retrograde (18 sc 23'39")

Here is the chart for the SR at Namur, Belgium. Note the Pluto-Uranus square – a combination strongly associated with accidents – aspecting the meridian axis and, therefore, significant for the place. But as always the stars on the angles complete the picture.

The descendant is [13ge32] . The North Node of Uranus and omicron Columba [13ge42], in the Dove’s wing supply an interest in flight and epsilon Leporis of the Hare [12ge13] was associated with speed. Under possible manifestations of these stars Diana Rosenberg notes “things falling from the skies e.g. meteorites, planes etc.” [2]

The plane is reported to have crashed at 3:45 pm which would place the IC of the crash chart at 15ge close enough to the stars mentioned above.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.272-73)
