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Hidden meaning in the toppling of an ancient rock in Utah

US Scout leaders topple ancient rock formation, trigger outrage

Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:29pm BST
Oct 18 (Reuters) - An online video of two Boy Scouts of America leaders knocking over a 170-million-year-old rock formation in a Utah State Park has touched off worldwide outrage, state officials said on Friday, and the two men may face charges.

The ingress of the Sun into sidereal Libra on 17 October is a major astrological event from which we will attempt to understand the above news. The chart for the ingress shows a prominent T-square  [Mars-Admetus-Neptune] straddling the meridian axis. Regular readers are by now  aware that when an ingress chart brings planets to the meridian or horizon axis it is important for that place. The Admetus-Neptune square is bisected by a Moon-Uranus conjunction which is square Pluto. A key phrase for Pluto-Uranus provided by Ebertin is “the collapse of an old order” . The TNP Admetus has often been described as a “rock” [1].

Solid and steady as a rock, Admetos is related to all that is stable, enduring, and unyielding, as well as to anything that has stopped or otherwise come to an end. [2]

Martha Wescott provides us with a broader definition of Admetus and also gives us an interpretation for  the dynamics of Admetus-Pluto.

ADMETUS: Facing blockages; biding your time; encountering delays, frustrations, complications or the need for something else to happen BEFORE success or progress; dealing with raw materials (including stone, lumber, etc.,) packaging, inventory and storage; having cramps or other indications that reveal a tightening to endure/persevere/hang in there; issues with self-containment, shunning; literal and behavioral cold.

I want you to draw a picture in your mind of the biggest rock (boulder)  you can imagine; pretend that it has an ego and a personality.  It's a  little proud of its size and sure nothing (and nobody) can move or  disturb it.  It's just a-settin' there, content. Solid.  Not a worry in  the world.  As you think about this mass of stone, remember that the  gods abhor both a stasis and a vacuum, and they too see this rock.   Their beady little minds begin to grind, and they call Pluto, the  Transformer, in from the last outpost at the outer banks of our solar  system.  "Look at that," they say, "Yon rock thinks it will last  forever."  Had they directly issued a challenge to Pluto, he'd have  never accepted, but they didn't...and he does.  You'll have some Hard or  Hard-headed boulders, people, situations and attitudes in your  experience, and here's how Pluto will respond:  Having set up camp some  distance from the boulder, he is "tunneling underground;" you or others  won't know about it for a while, but big things are happening.  Pluto  also chips away at the surface "here and there" so one doesn't realize  that, on the North Face, Pluto is drilling a dynamite hole right into  his core.

Now, let's move this little allegory into real life; what are ya' gonna'  see?  Long term situations that "haven't budged an inch" are headed for  explosive situations that will "expose them to the core" (but a lot of  defensive layers have to be "ground down" and "chipped at" in the  meantime.)  People who have stood--apparently rock solid--are gonna' get  "ground down," are gonna' wear themselves out, are gonna' reach a point  where "they can't take it anymore."  Even rocks dissolve in the presence  of water or enough heat!  Pluto is an Alchemist and he knows just what  it takes to "get to" a person.  People have become "hardened;" it's like  they've spent years constantly adding layers of clothes and coats.   Pluto will "strip search" them so he can get them down to "naked" (where  they can rejoin their souls, their integrity, and the reality that isn't  pushed by money, greed, power games, compulsions, emotional self-defense  or constant attempts to manipulate people and situations.) 

 As we have seen so often in the past the "minute" hand of the clock that triggers an event is quite often a moon phase. The chart for the Waxing Gibbous Moon phase brings the Mars-Admetus-Neptune (with the attendant Uranus-Pluto) to the angles thereby providing a trigger to the Libra Ingress chart.

[3] Delineate V2; Martha Wescott Lang
