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Mars-Neptune: Sleeping at the wheel

The body of a missing father has been found after he was trapped in the wreckage of his car for weeks and spent his last days writing emotional handwritten notes to his family. David Welch, 54, vanished without a trace from his home in Kansas on September 2 and police only found his body on October 18 more than 800 miles away in a remote part of Utah. It has now emerged that he likely fell asleep at the wheel, veered off the road and was trapped in his overturned vehicle.

A Cardinal Ingress chart is a powerful tool for understanding mundane events. Shown above is the sidereal Libra Ingress of the Sun at Green River, Utah where the accident occurred. As regular readers are aware the two important axes to study in any mundane chart are the horizon and the meridian. If these are prominently aspected, the planets involved tell us a great deal about events. Here we notice a T-square comprising a Mars-Neptune opposition on the meridian axis squared by the TNP Admetus.

Handled  positively, Mars - Neptune gives the ability for one to use creative visualization to accomplish their goals and dreams, using the Mars energy to relentlessly follow their dreams. On the down side  Neptune, the planet of sleep can completely overpower Mars, the planet of action, rendering it ineffective. Falling asleep while driving would fall in the second category. Also Neptune at the MC is conjunct the Chinese asterism Wei, associated with death, demise and misfortunes.

Admetus is a TNP that is associated with rocky landscape and the bottom of an ocean or a ravine. In a physical and psychological sense Admetus is also about the feeling of being “stuck”  in life.

All these factors were  contributors to the “accident” whose physical manifestation is all that we see.

Added on 6 Nov.

The Mars opposite Neptune configuration appears on the meridian axis at Arlington, Virginia from where this PBS report is published.

Taming the Hidden Drowsiness Epidemic 
