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Stars of the discovery of Buddha’s birthplace at Lumbini

Archaeologists [1] digging at Buddha's birthplace have uncovered remains of the earliest ever "Buddhist shrine". They unearthed a 6th Century BC timber structure buried within the Maya Devi Temple at Lumbini in Nepal. The shrine appears to have housed a tree. This links to the Buddha nativity story - his mother gave birth to him while holding on to a tree branch. 26 Nov. BBC

The solar eclipse of 10 May fell in the twelfth house at Lumbini. Amongst other things the 12th signifies ashrams, monasteries, and other places of spiritual renewal like this Buddhist shrine at the Maya Devi temple.

The eclipse is conjunct stars of Perseus, the hero and rescuer. Writing about this area Diana Rosenberg states “here are great image shapers who are able to tap an emotional reservoir within themselves that connects them to universal archetypes, deeply moving those who come under their influence. A fervent missionary zeal possesses many of them ….strong religious impulses vie with earthly dominion within these souls; where there is submission to the will of God, there is great power to do good, even saintly work” [2]. This would appear to describe the Buddha very well. Incidentally Rosenberg also lists “discoveries of ancient artifacts” [3] under these stars.

We then notice that Neptune [5pi06] makes a square aspect to the horizon axis and therefore should be considered significant for Lumbini. Progressing the eclipse chart to 26 Nov. the date of the news item, brings Neptune to the IC of the chart. For stars in this area of tropical Pisces, Diana Rosenberg lists “fossil and archaeological discoveries”  and of course it is well known that Pisces links to world saviours.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1,p.178-79)

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1,p.690-92)
