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Doctors save Chinese worker’s hand

A worker operating a machine in a family workshop in China accidentally cut off his hand  (around 4 December) -- which doctors were able to save by grafting it onto his lower calf. The worker, Xie Wei, said he was initially unsure if his right hand could be saved, but he thought it was worth a try. The hand went without a blood supply for many hours while Xie searched for a hospital that could perform such a surgery. [1]

Amongst other things   Uranus-Pluto square of 2007–2020 has been associated with  “sharply accelerated technological and scientific advance with major social and environmental repercussions.” [2]

It may  surprise readers that  the stars that form the backdrop for Uranus-Pluto can actually indicate the area where these breakthroughs are made.  The incident is said to have occurred around 4th December so I propose we look at the chart for the  New Moon  of 3rd  December.  Notice that the Uranus [8ar41] square Pluto [10cp16] aligns with the meridian axis. On the IC [11ar29] is 14 Andromedae [12ar08], the chained right hand of the Princess [3]. On the MC [11li29] is Gienah, gamma Corvi [10li54] which was a star in the Indian asterism Hasta, “The Hand” [4]

[2] World Transits 2000-2020, Richard Tarnas
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana Rosenberg (v.1, p.74)

[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana Rosenberg (v.2, p.64)
