WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel (born October 4, 1946) will propose on Monday a reduction in the
size of the U.S. Army to its smallest size since before World War Two and
scrapping a class of Air Force attack jets, the New York Times reported on Sunday.
The plans, which the paper said were outlined by several Pentagon officials on
condition of anonymity, would be aimed at reducing defense spending in the face
of government austerity after a pledge by President Barack Obama to end U.S. involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .
The current
precessed solar return for the Sibly has on the Ascendant [28vi52] the star
Benatnash of Ursa Major linked to war and Zavijava of the Virgin linked to
peace. In ancient China
these stars represented Kuan-Ti, a
military hero who was both the God of
War and of Averting War. The
progressed solar return chart for Feb. 24 is shown here. Notice the alignments
to the meridian axis. If Pluto-Uranus is about transformation or an end to an old way of doing things and
the TNP Zeus is about the military then putting the two together we know exactly
what this combination is saying. On
the IC of the progressed chart is Vindemiatrix, epsilon Virginis also conjunct
Chuck Hagel’s radix Sun [11li]. Since the constellation of the Virgin is
associated with peace, Diana Rosenberg writing about stars in this area says, “for those in positions of power, their task
is to turn war and hatred into peace and co-operation…transits to these stars
often bring about major changes in laws, mores, governments and ways of
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