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Discovery of “rogue” DNA at Crescent Moon

There's a civil war going on inside every one of the 37 trillion cells in your body. Now, University of Michigan scientists have uncovered how your cells keep this war from causing too much collateral damage. On one side of the battle: your "regular" DNA, which provides the day-to-day instructions for life. On the other side: tiny bits of rogue DNA that hide like spies between genes in your own DNA. From time to time, these rogue bits of DNA spin off a copy of themselves and "jump" to another DNA location – often causing harmful mutations when they land.How our cells fight off the effects of these rogue DNAs, called LINE-1 retrotransposons, has remained a mystery. But in a new paper published in the open-access journal eLife, scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School and Howard Hughes Medical Institute and colleagues have captured the action like battlefield reporters.[1]

The news is about the battle between “our regular DNA” and tiny bits of so called “rogue DNA”.  For a moment think of  a parallel. The current  Grand Cross in which Uranus in Aries (the rebel..the “rogue DNA”) is square Pluto in Capricorn (existing institutions or structures… “our regular DNA”). Uranus and Pluto – the two slowest planets in the Grand Cross – define the process that is unfolding. Institutions (Capricorn) are breaking down (Pluto). Uranus in Aries is about a revolution in consciousness that frees the beliefs and behaviors that structure our lives from slavery to these crumbling institutions.

Shown here is the chart for the Waning Crescent Moon of April 25 at Ann Arbor, Michigan from where the paper was published. Notice that the moon phase is significant for the place with the Sun [5ta26] on the MC [6ta29] semisquare the Moon [20pi26] and Venus [21pi44] both of which are conjunct the star Markab [23pi40]. *

Alpha (α) Pegasus, Markab, is a white star on the wing of the Flying Horse.
Pegasus is the Magical flying horse that uplifts or frees Andromeda from captivity brought on by her parents King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. This interesting story symbolizes a break from our genetic coding. Nick Fiorenza explains:

The four stars of the Great Square hold the secrets of the Merkabah--body of light. Markab, , Alpha Pegasus, is of the physical cellular aspect of the Merkabah--literally referring to the corporeal physical body. Markab is the saddle, the physical vehicle upon which soul rides or expresses through to accomplish its Earthian mission. Markab brings to the forefront issues about our  cellular / genetic refinement-so that we are able to fly over the collective human dilemma / consciousness.

So it may be an error to classify the new discovery as “rogue genes” that serve no purpose and link them to “harmful mutations” when actually they may be serving as a stepping stone to a new order!

* Also notice that Uranus in the Grand Cross falls on the Sun-Moon midpoint.
