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EU study reveals honey bees are dying

Apis – the Bee

A new study covering 17 EU countries says that far more honeybees are dying in the UK and other parts of northern Europe than in Mediterranean countries. The European Commission says it is Europe's most comprehensive study so far of bee colony deaths. Winter mortality was especially high for bees in Belgium (33.6%) and the UK (29%) in 2012-13. But in spring-summer 2013 France was highest with 13.6%. The study[1]  was carried out at the European Union Reference Laboratory for honeybee health (EURL) at Sophia Antipolis, France. BBC; 7 April. 

The most significant aspect in the Capricorn Ingress chart is Jupiter (in Cancer) opposite Pluto (in Capricorn).  Jupiter  on the Ascendant is at the reaction point of the significant Uranus-Pluto-Mars T-square.

Cancer traditionally rules mothers and the nurturing feminine energy while Capricorn tends to apply to father figures and worldly, patriarchal structures. Pluto in Capricorn continues to ask us to remove whatever is faulty, decrepit or in need of major transformation at the base level of our infrastructures. Jupiter  in Cancer increases our desire to look after the earth and the environment in general. It brings  abundance in nurturing, feeling and connecting us to our roots. With the two planets in opposition we are being given an opportunity to recognize how we may have neglected the earth mother and  heal our current situation.

So how do honey bees come in here? Notice that Jupiter forms a trine to Saturn. Saturn [19sc22]  is conjunct Zubeneschamali [19sc32] of the Scales. Also influencing are stars beta Serpentis [20sc08] of the healing serpent , T Corona Borealis [20sc16] that Manilius terms a “garden gleaming with jewel like flowers” and beta Musca [20sc22] – a constellation originally called Apis, the Honey Bee!

Nick Fiorenza describes the function of the two Zubens as follows:

Zubenelgenubi / Zubeneschamali: Zubenelgenubi, the southern claw of the Scorpion is the karmic seat for humanity; also Saturn's exalted location; the life scenario we have established, our established patterns. Zubeneschamali is the dharmic seat, reveals our need to resolve, to balance our past experience. Success in doing so results in equipoise and harmony from which solution is realized.

It should be fairly obvious what the preceding paragraphs are saying in the context of the news item. Progressing the Capricorn Ingress chart by the solar quotidian method aligns the slightly skewed Grand Cross with the angles once again on April 7, the date of the BBC news item.

P.S. The First Quarter Moon of April 7, 2014 fell at 17cn conjunct Jupiter and Ascendant of the Ingress Chart (above) thereby activating the Grand Cross.
