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Full Moon overwhelms US Immigration facilities

Unaccompanied child immigrants from Central America have poured across the southern U.S. border in recent months. Mostly spurred by violence and poor economic conditions in Central America, the migrants also believe changes in U.S. immigration policy will allow them to stay. They aren’t completely wrong. Because border facilities are so overwhelmed, authorities often release children into the care of relatives already in the U.S. and allow mothers with children to enter the country with a notice to appear in immigration court. TIME

A photograph accompanying the news item shows  migrants using trash bags and cardboard to protect themselves from the rain as they wait atop a stuck freight train, outside Reforma de Pineda, Chiapas state, Mexico, June 20, 2014.

Here is the chart for the Full Moon of June 13 at Reforma de Pineda, Mexico. Notice that both the luminaries form aspects to the MC along with Jupiter. Jupiter [22cn49] is conjunct Gomeisa, beta Canis Minor [22cn24] and the stars of the Twins – Castor, alpha Geminorum [20cn26] and  Pollux, beta Geminorum [23cn25]. The Twins represent the brotherhood – sisterhood of all mankind; Castor, marks struggles between the polarities of cold hatred, cruelty, greed and intolerance versus crusades for humanity, rights and social justice [1]. With Jupiter exalted in tropical Cancer – a symbol of compassion and caring perhaps the new US immigration laws are an attempt to correct this imbalance.  Canis Minor is the Guardian of the Crossing of the River of Heaven – in our case here this is a metaphorical symbol for immigration. A keyword for Jupiter would be “too much” or “excess” which would explain the reason why so many are attempting to cross over and the border facilities are overwhelmed.

But what is really surprising is how accurate the Sabian symbol [2] for the Full Moon [22sa06]  is in this context.

PHASE 263: Sagittarius 23

A Group of Immigrants as they fulfil the requirements of entrance into the New World

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p. 422-27)
