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Man sets self on fire in Japan

A man set himself on fire in central Tokyo in protest at a proposed law which could allow Japan to deploy its military overseas. The man was taken to hospital after being hosed down but his condition was not immediately known, officials said. Japan's government could make the change to its pacifist constitution as early as next Tuesday. The US-drafted constitution bans war and "the threat or use of force" to settle international disputes. BBC; 29 June 2014

To understand the astrological reason for this news, we will look at the Lunar Eclipse of April 15. A chart for this eclipse at Tokyo is shown here. It is obviously significant for the place since it  is angular and the meridian axis aligns with the Cardinal Grand Cross.  In addition the dwarf planet Haumea [20li29] is  conjunct Mars [16li] and the Moon [25li]

Haumea appears to motivate action to reorient world powers’ militaristic destructive use of power and resources into a nurturing force that supports and protects life, home and family. [1]

On the Ascendant [7li]  we have lambda Bootes [7li] , 32 Virginis [7li] and Diadem, alpha Coma Berenice [9li]. Bootes was an armed herdsman sometimes depicted with a spear. In China lambda was part of Tchao-Yao, “The Brandishing of Arms”. So that here a potential for aggression and desire for domination  can sometimes overwhelm the Virgin’s love of peace, for many influenced by these stars are drawn to the exciting prospect of military glory; as they mature they may hear the Virgin’s call and combined with the overlay of tropical Libra, become peacemakers. But the mature may hear the Virgin’s call and combined with overlay of tropical Libra, become peacemakers. With Coma Berenices’ powerful commitment there is willingness to make sacrifices for an ideal (some become martyrs for peace). There are here military concerns as well as issues of war vs peace. [2]

The MC [8cn] and Jupiter [12cn53] are conjunct Al Zirr, xi Geminorum [11cn26]  of the Twins. The Twins demonstrate a willingness to go against the crowd and refuse to knuckle under or compromise.[3]

On the descendant is Uranus [13ar] and Mercury [13ar] conjunct stars in King Cepheus’ head. This is an area that is linked to mental or emotional instability, suicide as well burns on account of fires.[4]

Progressing the chart by the PSSR method aligns the Grand Cross with the meridian axis in the period between June 29 (Saturday) to July 1 (Tuesday) which covers the period mentioned in the news. This alignment triggers the issues highlighted by the stars mentioned above.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.50-51)
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.389)
[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.68-83)
