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Two shelter dogs find friendship in one another

All creatures need comfort and companionship, not just humans. A photo of two shelter dogs who, without a real home and people to love them, found friendship in one another, is making its rounds on the Internet this week. The touching image shows Delaware, a friendly 8-month-old a pit bull mix, and Kyra, a playful 1-year-old Lab mix, spooning together in their shared space at the Fulton County Shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. June 27 Huffington Post

Eclipses that are long gone are brought back to life when there are transits that activate them. Shown here is the October 18, 2013 Lunar Eclipse at Atlanta, Georgia. Notice that it is very significant for the place since it forms a T-square with Jupiter and the meridian axis.

The primary stars that conjoin the Sun [25li]  are  Spica, Alpha (α) Virgo, and Arcturus Alpha (α) Bootes.  Bootes, the Herdsman-protector is concerned with the protection of  the earth and all life on earth. Transit Jupiter [25cn] on the IC and the North Node [25li] over the Sun are currently activating the eclipse chart raising collective concern about protection of all living creatures. Jupiter exalted in Cancer increases our desire to care for each other. But in our context notice the strange coincidence  that Jupiter is conjunct the star Procyon, alpha Canis Minor [25cn53] – the star of the Little Dog  (pup?) and  Pollux, beta Geminorum [23cn26] of the Twins often depicted  as either joined together or hugging each other!
