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New Moon draws attention to the Madagascar pochard

The Madagascar pochard, the world's rarest bird, will not be able to thrive without a new wetland home. This is according to a study revealing that 96% of the chicks are dying at two to three weeks old. Conservationists say that human activity has driven the birds to one remaining wetland, but that that site has insufficient food for the ducks. The research is published in the journal Bird Conservation International. Human activity, including deforestation, farming and fishing, has destroyed their habitat to the point that this last population is now restricted to one wetland in north-east Madagascar - a complex of lakes near Bemanevika. BBC; August 25

Once again  we will see how the images in the sky map of a lunation can be very relevant for events on earth. Shown here is the chart for the New Moon of August 25 drawn for Bemanevika, Madagascar. Notice that it is very prominent for the place since it falls on the horizon axis opposite Neptune. Neptune in the water sign  Pisces brings us the realization of the interconnectedness of all life so that we begin to learn compassion and concern for all living creatures.

The New Moon [2vi] is conjunct the stars Megrez [1vi] and Phecda [1vi] both of Ursa Major – the protective and caring Mother Bear. Diana Rosenberg [1] links these stars to a“love of and concern for animals.”

The Ascendant [28aq] and Neptune [6pi] are conjunct the stars Gienah, epsilon Cygnus [28aq] and Deneb Adige, alpha Cygnus [6pi]. The constellation Cygnus [2] is often shown as a Swan. Swans (genus Cygnus) belong to the Anatidae family, which also includes geese and ducks!

Finally, notice the Grand Trine of Neptune, Ceres and the TNP Hades anchored to the Ascendant. Nick Fiorenza explains the function of  the asteroid Ceres thus:

Ceres, the mother of the main asteroids, brings awareness to how we nurture and to that which is truly nurturing to us. Ceres embodies mothering and agricultural qualities and brings attention to our relation with the Earth, the land, and the seasons. Due to Ceres’ association with the land, agriculture, the environment, and the seasons, Ceres is of particular interest in charts associated with environmental changes or events. Ceres reveals our ability to be in universal flow--the unification of giving and receiving as one flow of energy through ourselves.

Martha Wescott [3] provides the following sentences for the combination Ceres-Hades and Hades-Neptune.

The past is the basis for negative prognosis or outlook; mistakes have occurred through a lack of clarity; bad things have happened through unknown or unseen causes; instances of mysterious decline.

The need to care for or nurture those who  are  facing long-term problems.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.579-80)

[3] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott
