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Astrology of the Ebola Virus

The first reported case of the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus, [1] the one that is currently starting to affect West Africa in 2014 was seen on 26th August 1976 in Yambuku, Zaire, now called the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola is a disease that initially came from a region close to the Ebola river that runs through the DRC.

A chart for the New Moon that occurred on 25 August 1976 – a day before the Ebola outbreak – is shown here. The New Moon [2vi] is conjunct the medical asteroid Asclepius [4vi] . The Ascendant is conjunct Neptune and Antares, alpha Scorpi – the heart of the Scorpion and omega Ophiuchus – the medicine man  shown struggling with the poisonous snake. Among other things, this area is linked to epidemics and Diana Rosenberg [3] lists the following examples:

Neptune was here at the September, 164 CE Solar Eclipse with a path of totality through Mediterranean lands: Roman troops returning from Mesopotamia brought disease with them: the Plague of Galen (aka the Plague of Antonius) caused heavy mortality through the Roman Empire; Jupiter in 1918 at the start of the most virulent wave of the influenza pandemic that killed about 30 million worldwide; the Sun in 1930 when pollutants trapped under dense fog caused thousands to become ill and 60 deaths in Belgium’s Meuse Valley; Mercury in 1948 when the coal mining community of Donora,PA suffered a combination of toxic industrial smoke and fog that killed 20 and made 6000 ill; the Sun at the Dec. 1952 Full Moon two days before a London killer smog, about 4000 died, about 8000 later of respiratory failure; Neptune in 1976 at the Seveso, Italy dioxin chemical poisoning disaster and when the first known case of the Ebola virus arrived in a hospital at Zaire and died one week later; the Sun at the Bhopal, India gas poisoning disaster of 1984 that left more than 3400 dead and 200,000 blinded and crippled: the worst industrial disaster in history. (Neptune was here 9 yrs earlier when the Union Carbide Corp. was granted a license to make the deadly gas in India).

The current outbreak in West Africa, (first cases notified by WHO [2] on 23 March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. It has also spread between countries starting in Guinea then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The chart for the Lunar Eclipse  at Guekedou, Guinea – one of the places where the 2014 outbreak has taken place – is shown here. The eclipse Moon [25li] along with the Node [28li] are placed in the 6th house that is connected to public health issues. A converse progression of the eclipse chart to 23 March 2014, brings the Mars-Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Cross to an alignment with the meridian axis.

Uranus-Pluto: to see a sudden emergence (Uranus) of what was lying hidden (Pluto)

The eclipse Moon is conjunct star psi Hydrae [25li] of the poisonous Water Snake so that Diana Rosenberg links this area to epidemics resulting from air or water contamination [3]. Since the eclipse Moon is placed in Libra, the ruler of the eclipse is Venus [10pi] which is conjunct Neptune [7pi] and forms a sharp sesquisquare with the Moon [25li]. Both Venus and Neptune are conjunct stars of the Indian Lunar Mansion Satabhisaj. A Sanskrit dictionary says Satabhisaj means Requiring a Hundred Physicians, suggesting an illness very hard to cure (or an epidemic?) [4]

[2] WHO Ebola Alert
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.115)
[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.690)

P.S. Note that for  the Ebola first outbreak New Moon chart [25 Aug. 1976] the  solar arc Uranus-Node [10-12 sa] directed to 23 March 2014 (current outbreak) is conjunct  Neptune [11sa] which as mentioned above is conjunct the stars related to epidemics.
