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Cancer kills three 9/11 firefighters

Three firefighters who were on duty at Ground Zero during the 9/11 attacks have died on the same day from cancer, fire officials have said. Lieutenant Howard Bischoff, 58, and firefighters Robert Leaver, 56, and Daniel Heglund, 58, died within hours of one another on Monday (Sept.22) . BBC; Sept 26

Shown here is the chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of 23 October at New York. Notice that the eclipse is placed very significantly on the descendant [29li]. The eclipse  is already active since transit Mercury [29li -0sc] is now conjunct the descendant [29li] and the eclipse degree [0sc].

In a mundane chart the 6th house rules [1]:

6th House - public health, sanitation, food, national service, army, navy, police, civil service, trade unions, working class.

This is, therefore, also the house of fire services, especially since the TNP Zeus [2] associated with fires is right there. Further we notice that Zeus is one element in a Grand Cross also containing Pluto-Hygiea-Orpheus aligned with the meridian. So we have:

Zeus: Firemen [2]
Orpheus: Death [3]
Hygiea: Health issues [3]

Pluto-Hygiea: Radical circumstances surrounding health issues…combined with Orpheus we have death from those conditions.

Finally we look at a Grand Trine comprising the Ascendant [29ar]; Mars [28sa]; Circe [26sa]; Handley [28le]; Aesculapia [25le]. What  details do these elements add to our story?

Circe: Helpers [3]
Aesculapia: Illness [3]
Handley: Cancer [4]

Is there anything here to connect the news to the WTC attack on 9/11? The following table gives entities in the 9/11 chart  (Sept. 11, 2001; 8:46 am EDT, NY) that form hard aspects to each other.


The progressed solar arc Sun [1li] triggers the radix T-square of Mars-Circe-Kronos-Zeus.

Kronos: Authorities or experts
Zeus: Fire
Circe: Helpers

This combination is an obvious reference to the firefighters who were there to help others. The New Moon of Sept. 24 has taken place at [1li] triggering the progressed Sun placement.

The radix Sun in the 9/11 chart is conjunct the star Asterion, beta Canes Venatici [17vi43]. About this area Nick Fiorenza [5] writes:

Just south of Benatnasch is the constellation Canes Venatici, the barking hounds, articulating that the totalitarian tactics are those of commotion and grand spectacle, ensuring the attraction of one's attention the lure of the false prophets and spiritual / political illusionists. This image articulates the expression of the Benatnasch directive simply as loud and grand global proportion spectacle, but as diversionary tactics. The paradox here is this racket is indicative of what not to follow. Examples are a government covertly selling war arms to the very country they are fighting, in the name of eradicating the war mongers. It is not uncommon for such beings to pretend they are doing that which supports the greater freedom by creating dramatic and glamorous humanitarian projects (the barking greyhound and the glamorous Giant Whirlpool Galaxy) or stage shows performed in the name of spiritual growth, when what is hidden within these projections of smoke is that which is designed to maintain an egoic position of control and manipulation over the masses who are merely blind pawns in a game of who's following the biggest ego on Earth. Here we are asked to look behind the suits these beings wear, and peer deeply into the dramatic facade of their projects to see the trap of diversion designed to mislead and control. We are asked to look at our own insecurities within to see why we would follow such antics to start with rather than to cultivate the purity and integrity to claim our own grail by following the truth in our hearts. These self-proclaimed often call themselves Masters or Officials and lead others to address them as such without question so that they may then dictate action for and direct their followers to do their biding for their own manipulative purposes.

This paragraph is sufficient explanation for the real reason behind the death of the heroic but ill-informed firefighters who became pawns in the political games being played by the warmongers.

