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'I lost a job because of my tattoos'

Readers have been getting in touch about their experiences of terminated job interviews, losing out on promised promotions and leaving jobs because of their tattoos. It followed a Magazine article which asked whether discrimination against people with tattoos should be banned in the workplace. BBC; Sept 22

On July 16 at 11:22:52 UT, the Sun [23cn52] was square the Mean Node [23li52]. This is a phenomena known as “Moon Wobble”. While it was exact on July 16, 2014 it was felt for approximately a week on either side.

Moon Wobble are cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's Node. These powerful contacts occur when the Sun and the Node are in the same sign, or the opposing sign, or when the Sun is in a square aspect to the nodal axis.

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting.

Shown here is the chart for the sidereal Cancer Ingress of the Sun on July 17  which contains the Moon Wobble i.e. Sun square the Nodes. Additionally,  Sun is also square Mars which is conjunct the North Node opposite Uranus on the South Node.

Obstinacy, stubbornness, the inclination to quarrel and flaunt one’s individuality.

Uranus is conjunct the South Node in the 6th house that is associated with work and workplaces. Additionally, the South Node is conjunct the asteroid Industria [24ar] once again a reminder of work and work places.

Uranus is in a sharp sesquisquare aspect to Saturn on the Ascendant. Here we have the stars of the Balance, Corona Borealis and of Serpens. About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes:

Stars of the Balance not only “divide the sky,” but humankind as well; combined with tropical Scorpio and the head of the Serpens, this is an area of attempts to dominate and resistance to domination. The Indian lunar mansion Visakha which symbolizes a purpose or goal gives rise to a warrior mentality.

About the constellation Corona Borealis, Manilus wrote:

The child of the Crown will cultivate a garden budding with bright flowers and slopes. Grey with olive (trees) or green with grass. He will plant pale violets, purple hyacinths, lilies, poppies which vie with bright Tyrian dyes, and the rose which blooms with the redness of blood, and will stipple meadows with designs of natural color. Or he will entwine different flowers and arrange them in garlands; he will wreathe the constellation under which he was born, and like Ariadne's crown will be the crowns he fashions; and stems he will squeeze together, and distil mixtures (make perfume) therefrom, and will flavor Arabian with Syrian scents and produce unguents which give off a mingled fragrance, that the charm of the perfume be enhanced by the blending. His heart is set upon elegance, fashion, and the art of adornment, upon gracious living and the pleasure of the hour. Such is the endowment prescribed by the years of the Maid and the flowers of the Crown" [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 5, p.321.

Progressing the Cancer Ingress chart to Sept. 22, the date of the news, aligns the T-square of Sun-Mars-Uraus-Nodes with the horizon axis. The asteroids [1] Arachne [21ar]; Amor [25cn]; Industria [24ar] are part of the T-square.  

ARACHNE: Intricate detail; contact with weaving, knitting, macrame, woven fabric/thread, spider webs, network. (Tattoos, with their intricate patterns, would come under Arachne)
AMOR: What interferes or blocks the acceptance (of self & others)
INDUSTRIA: Work related issues

Combine these with the asteroids Cupido-A [29ta] and Terpsichore [29ta] on the IC[28ta] and the news becomes very clear.

TERPSICHORE: body image/ego;  body language.
CUPIDO-A: Vanity; concern about appearances (inc. the idea of keeping up appearances and doing things for the sake of appearances;) art and beauty interests; the face or complexion; the look of something.

Amor/Industria:  Work place requirements test  just what you'll accept  (and where  you draw the line).

Arachne/Cupido-A : Body tattoos

[1] Astrological Keywords ll
