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Richard Branson offers staff unlimited holiday

The boss of Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson, is offering his personal staff as much holiday as they want. On his website, he said that his staff of 170 could "take off whenever they want for as long as they want". He added that there was no need to ask for approval, nor say when they planned to return, the assumption being that the absence would not damage the firm. BBC; Sept 24

To understand this news we go back to the April 15 lunar eclipse at London where Sir Richard Branson is based. The eclipse Moon [25li] was placed in the 5th house part of a stellium containing Mars[16li] – the ruler of the 6th   house. In mundane astrology, the 6th house rules “the working class” while the 5th deals with “leisure” [1].

The Full Moon conjoins the stars Spica and Archturus and  the asteroids Vesta and Ceres.  

VESTA: Commitment to work; using work as a compensation; dedication to accomplishment or goals; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands.

CERES: The need for nurturing including self-nurturance.

The combination is therefore asking us not to be so carried away with hard work and career demands that we fail to take care of ourselves.

In his commentary on the Lunar Eclipse, Nick Fiorenza wrote:

The new Earth-Vesta and Earth Ceres synodic cycles impel us to get very clear about what is essential to ensure our safe and harmonious evolutionary experience and fulfillment on Earth, and to ensure souls birthing into this experience in the future will also have this opportunity. The quality of our environment and of our biological condition must become a priority over amassing power and resources to dominate and control life based upon personal motive. Our very values must change to become focused and dedicated to ensure this quality rather than to unconsciously consume the very quality of life to amass quantity. If we do not have quality in our world and in our lives, how much we have, even life itself, becomes meaningless.

So what is it that triggered this eclipse now? First, Mercury transit over the eclipse Moon in the last few days. Second, the Wynn Key Return progressed Ascendant [25cn] squares the eclipse axis and is conjunct Richard Branson’s radix Sun [25cn]. He was born  July 18, 1950. And his current solar return chart carries a Sun [25cn] square Ceres-Vesta [25li].

As we have seen so often before, accompanying the eclipse or ingress “hour hand” there is usually a “minute hand” which can be a lunation phase or even a transiting aspect that resonates with the message of the “hour hand”.  On September 22, just two days before the news story there was a transiting Mars-Neptune square which was placed precisely on the horizon axis at London and triggered by the transiting Moon on the Ascendant in the sign Virgo associated with work and employees.

The elements in the Mars square Neptune chart are delineated as below [2][3].

Ones’s  work  may be violating their  sensitivities or need for recuperation.

Dissipation (Neptune) of a  person's physical energy (Mars) . Need for rest or vacation (Neptune) from work (Mars).

Work requires tedium (or just feels like a  drag, a chore and a downer,). And do expect times  when you see that people  just don't feel like  working... there can also be periods when ambitions can be at a low ebb.

Idealistic leadership; leaders who are sensitive or compassionate; rules or laws are not enforced.

Further Reading:

Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim calls for three day week

Richard Branson was born 18 July 1950; 7:00 am; Blackheath, England, 51n12, 0w31. The data is provided by Astro-Databank with a Rodden Rating ‘A’ implying it is fairly reliable. With this data his radix Sun [25cn03] is square Spica- the alpha star of the Virgin; placed on the IC of the natal chart. Can it be a coincidence that he chose “Virgin” as the name for his companies?!
