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Antares Rocket Explodes at Lift-Off

(Reuters) - An unmanned Antares rocket exploded seconds after liftoff from a commercial launch pad in Virginia on Tuesday, marking the first accident since NASA turned to private operators to deliver cargo to the International Space Station, but officials said no one was hurt. The 14-story rocket, built and launched by Orbital Sciences Corp, blasted off its seaside launch pad at the Wallops Flight Facility at 6:22 p.m. EDT (Oct. 28) carrying a Cygnus cargo ship for the space station. It exploded in a huge fireball moments later.

In this case we will see how several cosmic factors working together have become the cause of the accident.  We  start with the most important factors which I term the “hour hand” of the clock. Here we have at least two (a) the sidereal Capricorn Ingress  also called the “Capsolar” (b) the current Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of October 8. But first let us  look at the Capsolar and progress it to the date of the event. Notice that the Capsolar has a powerful Grand Cross on the angles which appears once again on the angles in the progressed chart. 

The Cross contains Mars-Zeus-Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter-Kronos-Hades.  Martha Wescott provides the following delineations for the elements:

Hades-Uranus: Haste, impulsiveness or innovation invite mistakes; to see a sudden unexpected “turn for the worse”.
Hades-Zeus: to hear of damages through weapons, fires or explosions that cause a decline in conditions.
Uranus-Zeus: A good image for this  is "a bolt of lightning" -- There is a union here of fire with the principle of suddeness,  accidental or electricity. Perhaps electrical switches are hot or wires overloaded.  There may also be electrical problems with tools, motors,   appliances or heating systems.

We are still in the wake of the powerful Lunar Eclipse of Oct. 8, which serves as the second “hour hand”. Here the eclipse luminaries are aligned with the horizon and a Grand Cross with the same elements as the Capsolar aligns with the angles.

Apart from the progression of the Capsolar, the Moon’s ingress into Capricorn served as the “minute hand” of the cosmic clock  that timed the event. This took place at 10:03UT on Oct.28 once again putting a skewed Grand Cross with the same elements  on the angles. Also notice that the Moon was just about 2 hrs. away from a conjunction to Mars that had entered Capricorn on Oct 26 - two days before.

Finally, let us conclude with a bit on the symbolic meaning of this accident. The event took place under the Crescent Moon phase of Oct.27. At the Wallops Flight Facility, the Ascendant for the moon phase was 15sa55 conjunct the star Antares [10sa]. Please remember that  the orb of conjunction for the angles is 7 degrees [1].

Mathematically inclined readers may like to work out the probability for a coincidence like this. It would certainly be very low. Even so, rationalists would reject the idea that even names can fall into surrealistic patterns. If, on the other hand, we accept such a possibility then we have to allow for a very different reality from the one to which we are accustomed. Might the coincidental naming of the rocket  after a famous star be pointing for a need to examine what the star stands for in classical astrology.

In classical astrology, Antares is the star of war and weaponry, and with expounded meaning, to challenge the established opposing politics (an arena common to the Antares / Aldebaran axis) with tenacious adamancy. This is especially in regard to taking a stand against the established conditions of our personal lives and against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions or that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom and fulfillment. [2]
