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Rival corporate giants join forces to act on climate change

Goddess Haumea

A coalition of otherwise rival global corporations announced on Tuesday they have jointly created a digital platform for young people to take action against climate change. Many of the 29 partners behind are fierce competitors – such as drinks giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, consumer goods companies Unilever and Nestle, and global advertising groups WPP and Omnicom – but they have set aside their differences in a bid to engage and activate so-called millennials between the ages of 18 and 30. The primary force behind Collectively is Jonathon Porritt’s blue-sky-minded nonprofit Forum for the Future based in London and New York. The Guardian; October 7.

The Full Moon eclipse took place on the horizon axis at New York. The eclipse Sun [15li] was conjunct the North Node [19li] and the dwarf planet Haumea [21li]. Astrologers look upon the nodal axis as a “rainbow bridge” connecting the past (South Node) to the future (North Node). With the South Node in Aries and the North Node in Libra the message of the eclipse is to drop our selfish personal concerns and work to solving our problems collectively.  The following is a summary extract from Nick Fiorenza about Haumea [1].

Haumea motivates us to move from self-interest-based covert and manipulative shenanigans to that of being a caring force supporting the nourishment and awakening of humanity. It also reveals the need for world powers to move from a power-hungry, authoritarian, tyrannical, militaristic focus toward one that creates a protective and nourishing environment from which humanity can awaken into a new light of being.

Haumea supports a new birth in consciousness, or more so, aiding humanity's re-birth into a spiritually aware state of being. It would seem Haumea's driving intent is that to intercede in what the old totalitarian powers have repeatedly demonstrated throughout Earth's history—the repetitive destruction of the peoples of the Earth and inability to ensure a safe evolution and ascension of humanity.

The eclipse Moon [15ar] is conjunct the fortunate star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda [14ar].

In the story of the Royal Family, Queen Cassiopeia, with boastful arrogance, proclaimed to the sea god Poseidon that her daughter, the Princess Andromeda, was of far greater beauty than Poseidon's Nereids, the nymphs of the sea. Poseidon (a greater authoritarian power) responded by sending Cetus the Sea Monster to ravage the shores of Ethiopia, which Queen Cassiopeia and King Cepheus ruled. King Cepheus was advised to sacrifice Andromena to Cetus to appease Poseidon. In acquiescence, the princess was chained to the rocks by the sea to be devoured by Cetus [2]

Symbolically  speaking, Cetus the Sea Monster is the techno-bureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness; the human genetic condition spiralled downward into a raging, fear instilling, consuming beast--diverting us from our evolutionary path to Light. The star Alpheratz represents the stage where Andromeda is lifted by the Flying Horse Pegasus – a symbol for the powerful and creative human imagination – from her entrapment.
