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US used Nazis as Cold War spies

Declassified US records reveal the nation's intelligence chiefs used hundreds of Nazis as spies and informants after World War Two. Central Intelligence Agency officials are said to have turned to the country's former enemies to help beat the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Academics studying the documents say America used at least 1,000 ex-Nazis. BBC; Oct.28.

This news is best understood if we plot the chart for the last solar eclipse of October 23, 2014 at Washington,DC. The 7th house in mundane astrology deals with enemies of the nation [1]. With the eclipse here placed in tropical Scorpio – the sign linked to spies and spying – is at all surprising that we are hearing news about the use of ex-Nazis for spying? The eclipse forms a Grand Trine with Hades-Kronos and Neptune. Martha Wescott [2] provides the following delineations.

Kronos-Hades: Government or authority figures have indulged in “dirty business” or hidden activities.

Neptune-Kronos: to recognize deception in high places or bureaucracies; authorities are able to fool people.

Hades-Neptune: disillusionment with or secrecies of the past.

The eclipse puts a Grand Cross on the meridian axis. In this case  Pluto in Capricorn on the MC refers to a Government spy agency like the CIA. A retrograde Mercury refers to the past while Hades-Kronos is spy chief like Edgar Hoover. Uranus is in the 12th house about which Deborah Houlding [3] writes:

The 12th house represents matters that are hidden, restrained, secret… I have often noted transits to Uranus in this house denote a time when guilty secrets and hidden vices are exposed.

[2] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott
