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American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

The U.S. now ranks not first, not second, not third, but 12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity. Countries such as Hungary, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Israel and Italy all have higher startup rates than America does. We are behind in starting new firms per capita, and this is our single most serious economic problem. Yet it seems like a secret. You never see it mentioned in the media, nor hear from a politician that, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births. by Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, Business Journal; Jan 13.

Charts drawn for the Moon phases have a remarkable way of revealing the cosmic energies at work. Here we look at the chart for the Last Quarter Moon of Jan.13 at Washington. The Sun is placed in the second house while the Moon is in the eleventh.

Second House [1]:
The nation's assets and financial status. The treasury, the exchequer, revenue and all places and activities concerned with money-making; such as banks, the stock exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade.

Eleventh House [2]
The hopes of the nation. Watters notes; "when afflicted, it indicates the people are disillusioned".

The combination of the Sun-Moon would then refer to business activities affected because people are disillusioned.

The Moon[22li]  in conjunction with the TNP Zeus [17li] forms hard aspects to Saturn [2sa], Mars[1pi] and Neptune [6pi]. Saturn that typically rules the business world is the ruler of the second  placed in the twelfth associated with failures and self-undoing.

Since it aspects the Moon, the square between Saturn-Neptune-Mars holds the key. Ebertin’s interpretation of this combination is as follows:

Painful inhibitions; undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness; lack of creative energy; listlessness.

These phrases virtually sum up the reasons why there is no energy to start new businesses.
