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New York train hits vehicle

Auriga – the Charioteer

A commuter train has hit a vehicle at a level crossing north of New York City, killing at least seven people and injuring 12, officials say. The train, with about 800 passengers on board, hit the Jeep Cherokee near Valhalla - about 20 miles (32km) from New York - on Tuesday evening. The vehicle's female driver was killed, along with six people on the train, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said. BBC

This news is best understood if we start with the chart of the last solar eclipse of Oct.23, 2014 at Valhalla. Notice that the eclipse fell very significantly on the descendant and was part of a Grand Trine with Neptune and the TNPs Hades-Kronos. The same TNPs form one leg of a slightly skewed Grand Cross with Uranus, Pluto and Mercury. Mercury-Uranus-Pluto is a combination easily linked to road accidents. In addition, here Hades [4cn33] is conjunct the star psi Aurigae [4cn44] in the constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer.  A chariot is the ancient equivalent of a modern car. But what is really astonishing is the Sabian symbol for Hades [1].

Phase 95 (Cancer 5): At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train.

All that now remains is to check whether the chart is activated on Feb.3, the date of the accident. If we progress this chart, the eclipse luminaries reach a conjunction to the IC thereby triggering its potential.
