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The girl who gets gifts from birds

Lots of people love the birds in their garden, but it's rare for that affection to be reciprocated. One young girl in Seattle is luckier than most. She feeds the crows in her garden - and they bring her gifts in return. Eight-year-old Gabi Mann sets a bead storage container on the dining room table, and clicks the lid open. This is her most precious collection. "You may take a few close looks," she says, "but don't touch." It's a warning she's most likely practised on her younger brother. She laughs after saying it though. She is happy for the audience. Feb.25

We will use this story to  illustrate how the essence of the April 2014 lunar eclipse is brought out  through the kindness of a little girl. The eclipse along with a powerful Grand Cross was placed significantly on the meridian axis at Seattle.

The eclipse Moon [25li]  was conjunct the stars Spica, [24li] alpha Virgo, the Virgin and Arcturus, [24li] alpha Bootis, the herdsman or shepherd. To the Arabs, Arcturus  was Al Haris al Soma, Protector of Heaven  and Al Haris al Samak, Protector of the Defenceless One (Spica). Since the stellium Mars-Vesta-Ceres-Moon translates light, the eclipse should be considered to be anchored to the Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter-Mars Grand Cross. The ongoing square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn is a rough-and-tumble affair with neither planet characterized by any regard for sensitive emotional concerns. However, Jupiter, playing his exalted role in Cancer - the sign of archetypal nurturance, brings in  a new message -  which became more central in this Uranus-Pluto brawl: that difficult times  need not wholly overpower a caring-and-connected attitude.

Also notice that the Moon [25li] is conjunct the asteroid Ceres [25li] and the dwarf planet Haumea [20li]. Ceres is related to food while Haumea appears to motivate action to be  a nurturing force that supports and protects life  [1].

A significant detail comes from the stars of Corvus, the Crow, that are conjunct Mars on the MC of the eclipse chart. And now finally if we progress the chart to February 25, the date of the news, the Grand Cross aligns with the horizon axis triggering the event. 
