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First 'successful' penis transplant at Ras Alhague Moon

The world's first successful penis transplant has been reported by a surgical team in South Africa. The 21-year-old recipient, whose identify is being protected, lost his penis in a botched circumcision. Doctors in Cape Town said the operation was a success and the patient was happy and healthy. The team said there was extensive discussion about whether the operation, which is not life-saving in the same way as a heart transplant, was ethical. March 13;

The news comes to us at the Last Quarter Moon phase. A chart for the phase drawn for Cape Town is shown here. The Moon [22sa49] is conjunct star Rasalhague [22sa40]. Alpha (α) Ophiuchus, Ras Alhague, is a sapphire star on the head of the Snake Handler. Ophiuchus is identified with Aesculapius (Asklepios, Asclepius), an ancient physician who grew so skilled in the craft of healing that he was able to restore the dead to life [1]. In other words this constellation is about renewing, repairing and refurbishing people who suffer ill health.  The snake is often linked to sexual energy in shamanic and esoteric traditions. With these images, the news of surgeons successfully performing a penis replacement operation should come as no surprise.

A further confirmation comes from the Mars-Pluto square part of the T-square that straddles the horizon axis.  It is well known that Pluto is connected with regeneration and as the reference [2] from Medical Astrology tells us Mars rules the male reproductive organ.
Mars: The penis, male reproductive system and male sexual response. 
