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The Touch Of Others Makes Us Who We Are

Not only does touch seem to signal trust and cooperation, it creates them. Our sense of touch does much more than help us navigate the world at our fingertips. It is becoming clear that touching each other plays a fundamental role in our lives. It isn't just a sentimental human indulgence, says Francis McGlone at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. "It is a biological necessity." March 20;

The Total Solar Eclipse of March 20 drawn for Liverpool UK is conveying several messages. We will see here that one such message is about getting in touch with the needs of our bodies. The eclipse was conjunct the star Scheat [29pi] square the TNO Quaoar[28sa] and the asteroid Terpsichore [29ge] which lie on the horizon axis.

Scheat, is one of the stars of the Pegasus Great Square. The four stars of the Great Square hold the secrets of the Merkabah--body of light. The body needs to be nourished and refined in order to serve as a suitable vehicle for the  soul’s expression [1].

Quaoar would seem to have character supporting a "harmonious revolution"— to help us release and surrender to the natural order  by demonstrating responsible self mastery with  the primal creative forces. It is about claiming our own self empowerment rather than deferring our power to dogmatic social beliefs [2].

 Terpsichore shows the need for the body to use physical experience to gain objectivity.
The eclipse is conjunct the South Node [10ar47] and is part of a Grand Cross with Uranus-Pluto. A South Node eclipse is always about releasing the past. The Sabian symbol of the South Node “The Ruler of a Nation” gives us a hint about what is to be released. The symbol refers to a rigidly structured consciousness governed by social  do’s and don’ts that seeks to rule the emotional and instinctual drives of the individual.

The symbol for Pluto [15cp20] at the apex of the T-square tells us the way forward. “School Grounds filled with children in gymnasium suits”. The answer is healthy play and expression of our primal needs.

Finally, the jigsaw is complete if we look at the Sabian symbol for Jupiter [13le10] which is on the chart IC in aspect to the eclipse. “A Human Soul seeking outward manifestation”. Most avenues of expression are blocked and the soul waits until it can wait no longer. Then comes a dramatic release which may mean a joyous carnival or madness through the release of  man’s primitive and instinctual nature. In essence, this symbol is telling us what to expect if the body and its requirements are not respected.
