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Harvard neuroscientist: Here’s how meditation changes your brain

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in brain scans. What she found surprised her — that meditating can literally change your brain. May 26

If a chart drawn for the time of an exact planetary aspect brings major planetary combinations to the angles, it can be saying something extremely significant.  Shown here is a chart for the Mars-Neptune square of May 25 drawn for Boston,MA.  Notice that it places an important Grand Cross involving Saturn-Neptune on the angles.

The power of Neptune can be seen working in our lives on so many levels that it absolutely boggles the mind! Most of us, however, are largely unaware of the all-pervasive influence this mysterious and fascinating planet has on us. In his  The Rulership Book, Rex E. Bills lists meditation as one of things, Neptune rules [1]. However, it is Saturn on the Ascendant in the chart that is referring to the discipline that is required in the practice of Yoga and meditation. With the concrete tendencies of Saturn, the imagination is not left swirling in an inner world of dreams and fancies but is released onto the physical plane creating the changes that the article refers to.  That  changes take place in the brain is indicated by Saturn [1sa25]  conjunct the  star Dschuba [2sa43] in the head of the Scorpion.

About the star Dschuba,  Nick Fiorenza writes:

As we arrive to the head of the Scorpion, which crosses the cusp of sidereal Libra/Scorpio, and is marked by the star Dschuba (also considered the "Tree of Life"), we come to the brain controlling the claws. Here we are asked to graduate to a level of realizing we create our experience and are responsible for it. Here we realize we have a choice regarding our experience. Once we choose to step out from the patterns of the past and to do it differently we become free from the path of soul growth entrapped in the chelae. This also marks a graduation from feeling helpless, even justifying why we are entrapped as if victims of life, into the maturation of the soul, of becoming self-responsible. Here there are no longer reasons to place blame outside of self.

Since Neptune is conjunct  the star Situla of Aquariu. Tthe ever cleansing Waters of Aquarius, combine with his predecessor Gula, a goddess of medicine, to remind us that meditation can heal and renew bodies, minds and souls.
