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Supreme Court Ruling Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Right Nationwide

WASHINGTON — In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. “No longer may this liberty be denied,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority in the historic decision. “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.” June 26;

The US Supreme Court ruling on gay marriages can be seen both in the US Sibly as well as in the current lunations. The progressed Sun [11pi]  in the Sibly is separating from  a square to Uranus [9ge]. The other elements of the chart that are activated are  Orcus [9vi], Sappho [3vi]; Hephaistos [7ge].  The  asteroid Sappho stands for same sex relationships while Hephaistos is about unlikely marriage couples. Orcus is a newly discovered TNO. Newly discovered bodies  can be understood through a reference to their orbital parameters.

Orcus has its perihelion at [11pi]. The location of Orcus's Perihelion reveals the area in our lives that Orcus is most influential.  It is conjunct stars of Aquarius , the humanitarian waterbearer who nourishes the body of humanity, articulated by Pisces Australis and the star Fomalhaut (which conjoins Deneb of Cygnus). Fomalhaut, one of the four Royal Stars, embodies the essence of a humanitarian-based society, one in which basic human needs are met for all people. Deneb embodies our unadulterated androgynous pure soul essence before fragmentation into race, sex, or creed. Deneb inspires us to stand in the awareness of our pure soul essence, in this wholeness and to participate from the maturity of unity consciousness, unbiased and beyond the segregations and categorizations common to modern-day mass-consciousness. Deneb provides the overseeing energetic to Orcus's Perihelion[1].

The above extract from Nick Fiorenza read along with the meaning of the asteroids Sappho and Hephaistos should make it clear why the cosmic energies at work are forcing a revision in the US  attitude  towards gay sexuality.

In passing let us look at US Sibly solar return and its progression to June 26 as a kind of confirmatory test to what we have said above. Notice the solar return places the radix Sun in a prominent Grand Cross with Uranus-Pluto (transformation) and Kronos-Hades (outdated laws) in a significant alignment with the horizon.

Progressing the chart to June 26 brings the alignment back to the horizon triggering the Supreme Court verdict on that date.

Next we look at  the chart of the current First Quarter Moon drawn for Washington, DC.  Notice that quarter Moon straddles the meridian axis suggesting that it has an important message for the place.  Here the Sun is conjunct the TNPs Kronos-Hades  representing outdated (Hades) laws (Kronos). It is also conjunct the asteroids Eros and  Sappho. Sappho, as we mentioned before, is about same sex relationships while Eros has to do with sexuality so that the combination is referring to outdated same sex related laws. Meanwhile, the Moon on the IC  is conjunct the star Zaniah, eta Virginis which was for the ancient Chinese, “the Left-Hand Maintainer of the Law”. How beautifully appropriate!

Finally, the other significant combination is the Uranus-Pluto square as part of the Grand Cross straddling the horizon.  Ebertin’s key phrases for this combination are appropriate here,  “transformation; the end of an old order”.
