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Abdul Kalam, India’s “Missile Man”, Dies

SHILLONG:  India's 11th President APJ Abdul Kalam died on Monday evening at a hospital in Meghalaya, where he had gone to deliver a lecture. He was 83. The former President, who was in office from 2002 to 2007, had collapsed during the lecture at the Indian Institute of Management, Shillong, around 6.30 pm. He was taken to the Bethany hospital. Doctors said he had suffered from a massive cardiac arrest. July 27

Abdul Kalam (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015) was an Indian scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India's civilian space program and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organizational, technical and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.

Abdul Kalam had a powerful Grand Cross in which his radix Sun aspected Uranus-Pluto and Saturn. The association of the Uranus-Pluto square to scientific breakthroughs (Uranus) in the field of nuclear energy (Pluto) is well documented[1]. Here Saturn is conjunct the star Rukbat,  alpha (α) Sagittarius [2] in the constellation of the Archer about which Manilius wrote: 

"As for the Archer, when the foremost portion of his cloak rises, he will give birth to hearts renowned in war and will conduct the conqueror, celebrating great triumphs in the sight of all, to his country's citadels….Indeed, in the stars of this constellation the human form is blended with a beast's and placed above it; wherefore it has lordship over beasts. And because it carries a shaft poised on drawn bow, it imparts strength to limb and keenness to the intellect, swiftness of movement, and an indefatigable spirit." [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4]

The  ancient Archer’s bow and arrow is a perfect symbol for a modern day missile  so that Abdul Kalam came to be known, very appropriately,  as India’s   “Missile Man”.  

While delivering a lecture at IIM Shillong on 27 July 2015, Kalam suffered a massive heart attack at around 6:30 p.m IST. He was rushed to the Bethany Hospital in critical condition, and subsequently died of cardiac arrest. His current progressed Sun [15cp] is conjunct his radix Saturn [17cp] and square Uranus [17ar]. Abdul Kalam was going through his Uranus return. Transit Uranus [20ar] stationed retrograde yesterday triggering the radix Cross.  A chart for the Uranus station has it placed on the IC at Shillong square Mars[21cn]. Since his radix Pluto [22cn] and the asteroid Requiem [21cn], linked to death,  are part of the Cross, this retro station became the trigger for his death. (Also notice that the current New Moon [23cn] fell on Pluto).  
