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The surprising danger of becoming an expert in your field

Here's a trick you can try at the next party you attend: Come up with a completely bogus money term and then ask your financial expert friend to explain it to you. Chances are he'll make a fool of himself when he assumes it's a real concept and claims to know all about it. That's according to new research, which suggests that self-proclaimed experts are more susceptible to the "illusion of knowledge." In other words, people who believe they know a lot about a particular topic are more likely to claim they know about fake concepts related to that topic. This phenomenon, called "overclaiming," could easily undermine you and work, making you look like an arrogant idiot or leading you to offer bad advice to others seeking your expertise. The study, led by Stav Atir, a graduate student at Cornell University, tested this phenomenon among self-proclaimed experts in fields like personal finance, biology, and literature.

The ingress of the Sun into the four cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are considered among the most important events in mundane astrology. The Sun moved into Cancer on June 21 and  the chart for the ingress drawn for Ithaca, NY , where the research was carried out, is shown here. Here the Sun is in the 10th house conjunct the TNPs Kronos and Hades.  Kronos  rules leaders or experts while Hades stands for mistakes or humiliation.  Kronos is opposite Pluto which is about confronting  or testing  (Pluto) the knowledge, competency or mastery of experts (Kronos) [1].

On the Ascendant [24vi] of the ingress chart is the star Benetnash [27vi], Eta (η) Ursa Major. The Arabic name for Benetnash is Alkaid, which means "the leader," perhaps alluding to its tendency to produce self-proclaimed leaders. Conjoining Benetnash is Zavijava, beta (β) Virgo. Zavijava is of a passive and submissive character, articulating the blind and naïve followers of the leader. These are most often innocent naive unquestioning people who get swayed by the diversionary dramatics of their manipulative leaders and believe in the miss-information they are being fed [2].

The Cornell University study was published online in the journal Psychological Science on July 14.  Progressing the Cancer ingress to July 14 brings the combination Kronos-Hades-Pluto to the meridian triggering the study report.

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott (p.97-98)
