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David Cameron Outlines Demands for UK’s Stay in E.U.

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday formally laid out Britain’s conditions for remaining in the European Union, seeking changes in his country’s relationship with Brussels that he is betting are substantial enough to win over a majority of British voters but modest enough for the rest of Europe to swallow. In a speech here and a written letter of proposals for reform, Mr. Cameron called on fellow European leaders to grant him a series of concessions to help persuade wavering Britons to remain in a bloc that critics say has become a vast bureaucracy impinging on their national sovereignty and way of life. Mr. Cameron has promised to put the issue to a referendum by the end of 2017, and his aides suggest that he might do so as early as next June.

The horoscope of the United Kingdom  is generally cast for the moment of the coming into force of the Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland and appears still to be a figure possessing  much significance for British affairs as will be illustrated in this post.  Currently, the most significant solar progression in this chart is solar arc Sun [11le] square radix  Mars [11ta]. But Mars is opposite Neptune which would be “feeling victimized (Neptune) by someone stronger (Mars)” or strangely even “an illusion (Neptune) of strength (Mars)”. 

 From its progressed position the Sun makes hard aspects to not only  Mars [11ta] but also the asteroids Hera [24sa]; Atlantis [13le]; Minerva [9le]. The following key phrases provide the delineations for the combinations involved.

Atlantis – Minerva – Hera  [1]: Because it had to please another (Minerva),  Atlantis may have left itself open to abuses and invasions and now expects to be taken advantage of  in relationships (Hera).  

Since Mars represents anger or assertiveness, the delineation of Atlantis-Minerva-Hera provides the backdrop for the expression of this anger. But more clarity is gained if we look at the stars  that form the backdrop to Mars. About this area Nick Fiorenza writes [2]:

The stars here are Menkar of Cetus; Almach, the foot of the princess Andromeda; and Zibal of Eridanus, a stopping point along the river of life. Also adding their stellar influences are Tish of the Queen Cassiopia; and Alpha Horologium, the pendulum clock.

Zibal marks a point of consideration along Eridanus, the river of life, inviting an introspective moment while Triangulum invites us to look beyond the dramatics of those around us and of own life scenarios to realize any entrapping conditions manifest in our lives are but a reflection of the projection of our own fears--a principle key in the revelation found along the river. In classical astrology Almach is considered to be "honorable and eminent," however, Almach is the beautiful but snagged foot of Andromeda about to be snapped by the jaws (Menkar) of ole' Cetus, the fear-instilling technobureaucratic monster created by collective human consciousness. Although we may find ourselves in entrapping situations apparently caused by forces around us, Almach inspires us to take responsibility for our naiveté and to do the inner work to become self-reliant rather than dependent and thus continually at the mercy of any manipulative forces around us or entrapping situations we may find ourselves in.

Tish is the whip of the Queen Cassiopeia. The intolerant queen, crusted with frustration due to finding herself unable to have that which she knows she is entitled, in-between the tormenting forces of both the manipulative gods (astronomical cycles of life) and the monstrous human world, and at loss with how to deal with either, becomes spitefully arrogant. Fortunately, when feeling trapped and we lash out against the world around us, the whip of arrogance (Tish, Gamma Cassiopeia) often snaps back to scar our own hand, especially when applied with vengeance. Lowering ourselves to this level or resourcefulness, using a tool found only in the dramatics of the monstrous world, will lead us only to our own demise. Here we have a statement of something we must surrender to receive that which we are due--righteous arrogance, the attitude that keeps us from the very thing want.
Our stimulus to action? Time is ticking away (Horologium), but we must free ourselves from our own righteous attitudes to escape our entrapments, otherwise action from arrogance will only exhaust us further and tighten the chain of bondage. We must take responsibility for our own lives rather than waiting around for someone else to change first, for events to change on their own, or for someone to come and save us. Instead, we must diligently do with focus and brilliance that which we must to claim our freedom and step forth into our fulfillment.

The above extract  symbolically describes the situation that David Cameron finds himself in. Acting like the arrogant Queen Cassiopeia will only make matters worse!
