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Fairy tales could date back thousands of years

'Beauty and the Beast'

When the Brothers Grimm collected fairy tales in the 19th century, Wilhelm suggested that many dated back thousands, rather than the accepted view of just hundreds, of years. Researchers believe they have now proved him right. While two of the best-known tales, “Beauty and the Beast” and “Rumplestiltskin”, were written down in the 17th and 18th centuries, new research using mathematical modelling has traced them back 4,000 years and they are not even the oldest. Jan.20

The lead author of the study is Sara Graca da Silva, a folklorist from the New University of Lisbon. A chart for the current New Moon at Lisbon is shown here. The Moon is placed in the 3rd house which rules all forms of communication including story telling.  Nick Fiorenza tells us that the Lyra-Aquila New Moon is about inspiration for creative expression through the art-sciences that serve to illumine, awaken and elevate human consciousness and to achieve our greater aspirations in life [1]. Fairy tales do just that. The problem of evil in most fairy tales provides us the opportunity to increase consciousness. When, in the characters of the fairy tales,  we are able to see our own greed, jealousy, spite, hatred and so on, these can be turned to positive account because in such destructive emotions is stored much life, and when we have this energy at our disposal, it can be turned to positive ends.

Mercury is on the 4th house cusp (IC) which among other things is the foundation or base of the society and its traditions, its folk-soul, so tospeak [2]. Mercury was the messenger-god of Jupiter, and was the god of story telling [3]. It is retrograde so that once again it refers to the past.

Eridanus – River of Time

Resonating with the theme of the past is the star Acamar, theta Eridanus, on the descendant. Eridanus was an ancient celestial river. As a symbol, a river relates to the creative power of nature and time and everything transitory: the flux of the world and the irreversible passage of time.  Unlike earthly rivers, Eridanus is depicted flowing upstream symbolizing a return to the past.
