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Sebring,Ohio discovers lead contamination in water supply

Residents in Sebring, Ohio, can commiserate with those in Flint, Michigan, considering their water supply has also been contaminated with lead that “exceeds the action level,” according to the state’s EPA. Like Flint, the case of Sebring — involving some 8,100 water customers in Sebring, Beloit, Maple Ridge, and parts of Smith Township — already has the appearance of criminal negligence and a possible cover-up. Jan. 28

We present two mundane charts drawn for Sebring, Ohio. The first is that for Last Quarter phase of the Moon on Jan. 31 and the second is for Mercury square Uranus which takes place just a few minutes later.

 Notice that both carry a prominent T-square on the angles containing  Mercury-Uranus-Pluto and the TNPs Kronos-Hades. Mercury-Uranus-Pluto can be interpreted as the sudden revelation of information that was previously hidden. The stars conjunct the MC and the TNPs Kronos-Hades were part of the ancient Chinese asterism Tsing, The Well [1]. This asterism reminded the Chinese to keep wells, ponds or  reservoirs clean to ensure safe drinking water. So it appears that the information revealed is about the quality of drinking water.

The delineation for Hades-Kronos is provided by Martha Wescott.

Hades-Kronos: to see that government or authorities indulge in “dirty business” or hidden activities.
