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JK Rowling shares Robert Galbraith rejection letters

JK Rowling has shared two rejection letters she received for her first novel writing as Robert Galbraith. The author was trying to find a publisher for The Cuckoo's Calling, which was eventually released in 2013. Rowling posted the rejections on Twitter, saying she was doing so to encourage other aspiring writers. One of the letters, from publishing house Constable & Robinson, says it "could not publish [The Cuckoo's Calling] with commercial success". March 25;

JK Rowling  is the  writer of the immensely popular series of "Harry Potter" books. In three short years from her first book in 1997 about an 11-year-old schoolboy wizard, Rowlings has had a fantastic success. Her first three books have sold an amazing 30 million copies and have been translated into 31 languages. She has gone from being a penniless single mom to a famous author worth more than $20 million.

A chart for the lunar eclipse of March 23  will help explain this news. Notice that the eclipse is placed very significantly on the meridian axis at London. It is conjunct Mercury and square the TNPs Kronos-Hades. Some keyphrases for the elements are:

MERCURY: author; writer; books.
KRONOS: Authoritative positions; questioning of competency; having differences of opinion; dealing with “red tape,” timing or jumping bureaucratic hoops; laws; police; legislators; the father; executives; governmental leaders; events through people in the public eye; measurements (especially of height;) rising, altitude, flights; overhead/above. Assessment of your own competency.
HADES: mistakes;interest in the past—thus history and primitive origins; handling highly detailed work, chores or drudgery; “messy” situations; depressing emotions; research.

Combining the keyphrases we have such statements as:

Mercury-Hades: A writer’s past.
Hades-Kronos: mistakes made about the judgement of competency; depressing situations on account of dealing with “red tape” or jumping through bureaucratic hoops.

Here the TNP Hades [3cn50] is conjunct the star Tejat Prior, eta Geminorum in Castor’s left  foot.  The Gemini twins Castor and Pollux are linked to writers and for this area Diana Rosenberg adds “they are intensely energetic with deeply inquiring minds, driving themselves relentlessly in the pursuit of personal or worldly success; most are hard workers, indeed superachievers with a conscientious need to make a contribution to mankind.” In particular for Tejat, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Tejat, the foot of Castor, is composed of Eta Gemini, IC 444, a bright refection nebula, and Dirah (Tejat Posterior) Mu Gemini. Tejat & IC 444 portend eminence and renown, and will make that which they align with stand out in a unique fashion. Tejat will bring out to be seen that which has been suppressed, oppressed, hidden, in the closet, but destined to be. Alignments with the foot of Castor can indicate hiding in the closet or in one's own mental obscurations and illusions. Tejat indicates that it is time to come out of hiding, to become visible, to stand forth in the limelight to be seen, and to make self available or approachable. Tejat indicates it is time to claim one's role in the physical world, and to take the steps required for physical unfoldment and participation in the physical world. It is time to do what is required. Tejat will bring forth that which has been suppressed to be seen and in doing so may draw experiences that are reflections of parts of our selves that seem rather dark and opposing to our unfoldment. Forces of the mortal world may indeed be out for our demise, but they are our worthy opponents, for they reflect the fears, hesitancies, and blockages within our selves to step through into our paths of fulfillment in the world. Tejat asks that us be willing to walk through the shadows of self to claim our power and place in the physical world.
