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Why the US-Qatari pipeline dream ended in a fiasco

Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria. They don’t hate ‘our freedoms.’ They hate that we’ve betrayed our ideals in their own countries—for oil. By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., February 22, 2016

In this comprehensive essay, Robert Kennedy, among other things, explains that the dream of a Qatar pipeline through Syria was proposed in 2000. When Syria refused transit permission, in 2011, the U.S. joined France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UK to form the Friends of Syria Coalition, which formally demanded the removal of Assad. Now in 2015-16, after the Russian intervention in Syria, we have entered a phase where we are seeing the end of the dream by the US and its allies.

These developments can be understood using outer planet aspects. In May 2000, a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus took place on the MC at Washington.  The following keywords for the phases of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle are provided by Steven Forrest. Notice how relevant they are in our current context.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn (2000)
Big dreams. Utopianism. Ideas ahead of their time for which “the technology does not yet exist”.

Jupiter opposite Saturn (2010-11)
Joint  efforts. Team work. Manifesting a vision.

Jupiter waning square Saturn (2015-16)
Endgames; anticlimax. Recognizing failure to be part of the cycle.

Let us remember that during the waning part of a cycle, if a negative pastward direction has been taken, devolution and disintegration prevail especially starting with the waning square.

In the chart for the current waning  Jupiter-Saturn square drawn for Washington DC, notice that it is part of a T- involving Neptune – the planet we associate with “dreams and wishful thinking” as well as with “oil and gas”.  Along with its square to Neptune (end of wishful thinking) Saturn on the MC in  Sagittarius linked to adventures in foreign lands is deflating the buoyancy of this enthusiastic sign.
