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Big Ben 'bongs' to be silenced for refurbishment

Horologium Oscillatorium

the Pendulum Clock

Britain's most famous clock tower is to fall silent so that urgent repair work can be carried out at a cost of £29m. Parliament says it has no choice but to stop the chimes of Big Ben, after 157 years of nearly unbroken service, to prevent its mechanism from failing. The Elizabeth Tower, which houses it, will also be repaired during the three year project, which starts next year.

Eclipses effect events  long after they have occurred. A chart for the last lunar eclipse of March 23 at London will help explain the news about Big Ben. Notice that the eclipse axis aligns perfectly with the meridian.  On the MC with Sun and Mercury are the stars zeta [2ar40] and eta [4ar50] Horologium.

The constellation, Horologium Oscillatorium, was added by La Caille in 1752 to honor Christiaan Huygens who invented the first pendulum clock in 1656, based on the pendulum introduced by Galileo Galilei. Horologium is from Latin horologium, from Greek orologion, literally 'that which tells the hour', from ora, 'hour', and -logion, that which tells, from legein to tell. Greek ora, hour, comes from the Indo-European root *yér- 'Year, season'. In Greek mythology, the Horae ('the Hours'), were goddesses of time, variously the year, seasons and the hours of the day; "Horae, those embodiments of the right moment— the rightness of Order unfolding in Time". [1]

In addition, we note that the eclipse axis forms a Grand Cross with the TNPs Cupido and  Kronos-Hades.

The Transeptunian Points (TNPs)

KRONOS :     Superiority: the highest quality attainable; the ultimate in authority; standard of excellence; undisputed expert. However, Kronos can also indicate tall structures, mountains, the   height reached by airplanes - generally, highly situated places.
HADES  Decomposition, defect, disintegration; things from the distant past.
CUPIDO: Groups and families but also buildings or houses.

Combining  the three TNPs we get  “an old and disintegrating tower. A tall building in need of repair”.  When we add the stars of Horologium to the mix, we get a clock tower that is in need of repair!


  1. Why "Eclipses effect events long after they have occurred?" Is it because they distort or disturb the earth's magnetosphere?

  2. If we are following the causal school, this may be one explanation. Those following this line of thinking believe that the whole Solar System is playing a symphony on the magnetic field of the Earth in a very complex way thereby influencing terrestrial events. But there is also an acausal explanation which suggests that the secret of astrological influence will never be found completely in mechanistic theories of cause-and-effect, but only within the framework of a holistic worldview which sees all phenomena as embraced within a deeper network of interconnectedness.

    1. Sure. I agree with Jung's philosophy too.


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